Tired (Seungwoo x You) with special loves

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Please read the notes at the bottom! Much love x (LGBTQ+ content ahead. If you're not comfortable with stuff like that, please don't comment hateful things.)
You were scrolling on your phone when arms encircled your waist and the owner of those arms kissed your cheek in greeting.
"Hi, love." Seungwoo drawled near your ear. You sighed into his embrace. "Tired?" He said as you nuzzled his chest.  You pouted and looked up at him, resting your chin on his chest.

"I missed you, hubs." You deepened your pout. Seungwoo chuckled at your expression. He loved the moments where you acted like a spoiled brat because they were 1 in 100.  "The hospital worked me hard." You groaned.  Seungwoo left his right arm around your shoulders and grabbed your backpack to help you carry it. He looked at it with a curious face. "Can I stay over?" You smiled up at him.

"You never need to ask, love." He grabbed your hand and the both of you walked hand in hand to his car. He opened the door for you. Gosh, Seungwoo ever the gentleman. You kissed his cheek in thanks before sitting in the passenger seat. You leaned against the seat and felt him hold your hand.

"We're gonna meet Lan Zhan hyung and Wei Ying at the restaurant. He went to pick Wei Ying up." Seungwoo said. You nodded in response. He asked about your day and you replied tiredly. Once he parked near the restaurant, both of you walked hand in hand. The server greeted both of you and showed the way to an empty table outside on the patio. You leaned against Seungwoo while looking at the menu. He stroked his hand down your hair knowing you were tired after a long shift at the hospital and would rather be napping right now.

"Well well well, if it isn't the cute couple." Someone ruffled both your hairs and laughed as the both of you groaned. Wei Yings smiling face appeared on the other side of the table. Lan Zhan directed him to sit down. He leaned against Lan Zhan and smiled brightly.  "Wow Y/N, you look tired. Look at those bags!" He exclaimed. You turned your lip up baring your teeth.

"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan said quietly.  Wei Ying smiled and kissed Lan Zhans cheek causing the latter's ear to turn red.

"I think she looks beautiful." Seungwoo kissed your temple as you stuck your tongue out at Wei Ying. 

"What have the both of you decided on?" Wei Ying said looking through the menu.  He pointed things out to Lan Zhan who hummed in encouragement.  

"I want the fried rice, with....shrimp!"
You pointed it out to Seungwoo who nodded.

"Hello everyone, what have we decided on today?" The waitress asked as she stood at the end of the table. Wei Ying ordered for him and Lan Zhan with his signature harmless flirtations to which the waitress giggled and blushed while Lan Zhan had his blank but jealous face on. Seungwoo ordered for the both of you and the waitress hummed. "For your mains, we have a salad and soup bar that's self-service! You can either have a salad or soup with them, it's inside." She smiled. She then repeated the order and left once it was confirmed.

"Should I go get a soup and salad and we can share?" Seungwoo suggested but you shook your head.

"I'll go get it, you do a lot already!" You said kissing his cheek and then standing up. Wei Ying jumped up to follow you.

"I'll be back Lan Zhan! Don't miss me too much." He blew a kiss and there it was the redness on the earlobes. Wei Ying smiled and held your arm while the both of you walked to the self-service counter. He looked at the selections and hummed to himself. "Lan Zhan would like this leek soup." He said to himself. You giggled internally at his thoughtfulness. Man loved his meat but is very considerate of his vegetarian boyfriend. You were grabbing some salad when you heard your name. You turned towards the voice and came face to face with someone you knew. 

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