When You're Sick (Seungwoo)

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Seungwoo woke up with a sigh as it was so hot. The air conditioning in the room was broken and the repairman could only make it tomorrow. He had worn a tank top to bed but decided to remove it cause he felt it sticking to his chest. He looked over to you sleeping cuddled with all the blankets covering you. He was confused as to why the heat wasn't bothering you when you hated being hot the most. He smoothened out your bangs and noticed that you were sweating as well. Seungwoo carefully disentangled the blankets away from you when you groaned and grabbed the blankets back so that they covered your body.

"Baby, you're sweating." He said softly as you opened one eye to stare at him. "Let's just put the blankets away. The room is hot as hell right now." He said pulling the blanket as you groaned again.

"It's so cold though." You replied to his confusion. Seungwoo put his forehead against yours and noticed why you were feeling cold.

"You're burning up." Seungwoo said worriedly. He smoothed his hand down your face causing you to sigh in content. "I'm going to check if we have medicine." Seungwoo got up and walked towards the drawers to check but he couldn't find any. Cursing softly, he walked out of the room to the living area and frowned when he noticed Subin in his onesie playing games. "Why aren't you asleep?" Seungwoo asked ruffling his hair.

"Wasn't sleepy. So I thought I'd play this game I've been putting off. Why are you awake?" Subin asked pausing his game.

"*You* is burning up. We don't have any medicine in our room." Seungwoo searched through the drawers in the kitchen but came up empty.

"I think we used all of them when Seungsik hyung and Chan hyung got sick together. We haven't stocked up." Subin replied. "Is it really bad? Should I go buy some medicine?" Seungwoo looked at the clock and it showed that it was 1.30am.

"Let me grab a shirt and sweatpants and I'll go." Seungwoo walked back to the room and noticed you sitting up in bed rubbing your eyes tiredly.

"Where are you going?" You asked him hoarsely as he grabbed a shirt. Seungwoo came over and kneeled on the bed getting closer to you. He stroked your face.

"I'm going to go get some medicine for you. We don't have any in the house.Does your throat hurt as well?" You nodded as you grabbed his hand.

"A bit but it's fine, I'm sure I'll sweat it out. It's so late in the night." You said trying to pull him back into bed.

"We don't even have a thermometer to check. I'm worried it won't break in the morning. It's best to eat some medicine." He rubbed your cheek before placing a soft peck on your lips.

"Noo it's dangerous to go alone at this late in the night." You whined.

"Baby, I'm just going to the 24h pharmacy around the corner. Plus Subins awake and we'll go together."

"But still..." Seungwoo placed his finger on your lips shushing you. He kissed your forehead before tucking you in.

"I'll be back soon." He said as he left. Subin had changed into normal shirt and pants and waited for Seungwoo so they could go together. They walked to the 24h pharmacy at the corner and luckily there was a pharmacist on duty. Seungwoo walked up to him and explained that you were burning up.

"Do you know her exact temperature?" He asked to which Seungwoo shook his head.

"But she says her throat hurts as well." The pharmacist nodded as he grabbed some medicine.

"Hyung! Can I get these gummies?" Subin asked from behind him as he put down some gummy bears on the counter. "Noona likes them too!" He said cutely making Seungwoo smile at him.

"So she needs to take these two now. But make sure she eats something like bread before." The pharmacist rang up their purchases.

Seungwoo was shocked when he noticed you sitting on the couch waiting for the two of them to come back.

"Why aren't you in bed?" He sighed sitting next to her. "Subin ah can you grab some bread?" He looked over you and noticed you had put on his sweatshirt. "Stole my shirt huh?" He teased as you smiled weakly at him. Subin brought over the bread and handed it to you before perching himself on the couch.

"Ugh do I have to eat?" You looked at bread and then at the boys who nodded.

"My sick baby please eat." Seungwoo cooed as he stroked your cheek with his finger.

"And that's my cue to go sleep. Night hyung and Noona. Get better!" Subin walked to his room and shut the door. You picked at the bread and ate it. Seungwoo ruffled through the bag and took the medicine out. He went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and handed it to you. He stroked your hair as you gulped down the medication. You rubbed your face tiredly before leaning against Seungwoos shoulder.

"Thank you for going out to buy me medication." You kissed his cheek and he rewarded you with a smile.

"Let's go to bed hmm?" He rubbed his cheek against yours. "I'll carry you." You put your arms around his neck as he carried you to the bed. Laying you down slowly, he walked over to his side of the bed and tucked the blankets around you. He lied on his side as he stroked his hand down your blanket covered body. "Go to sleep."

"You should sleep." You pulled at his shirt. "I thought you were hot."

"I'm always hot." He teased. You groaned and smacked his chest. He pretended he was hurt making you giggle. "Go to sleep hmm." He kissed your forehead and wrapped his arms around you. You closed your eyes and fell asleep straight away.


Hearing your alarm, you groaned. Turning over, you noticed Seungwoo wasn't in bed.

"Seungwoo?" You called out the open door. He walked in carrying a tray filled with porridge.

"Hey baby, you feeling better?" He placed the tray down and placed his hand against your forehead. "Good your fever broke." He smiled. You pulled a face noticing the porridge, your least favorite food in the world. "Nuh uh you have to eat this." He said noticing your face. "I'll feed you." He warned.

"Ugh no."

"*You*." He said saying your name.

"Are you using your dad voice on me? I'm not the boys." You squinted your eye at him.

"Baby please. You need to eat this for your throat." Seungwoo resorted to begging and using his cute voice to make you eat.

"Fine." You grabbed the porridge and ate it while making faces as Seungwoo laughed at your face.

"Hey." You looked at Seungwoo once you were done.He was holding your medicine in his hand. "Thanks for taking care of me. You're really sweet." Seungwoo smiled and put his hands on your cheeks.

"I have to take care of my sick girlfriend don't I?" He pushed your cheeks until you were pouting at him. "Now go take a shower." He pulled you up.

"Are you trying to tell me that I stink?" You gave him the stink eye as he looked away. "So mean." You hip checked him before walking towards the bathroom. You felt a tap on your butt and turned to glare at Seungwoo who was playing innocent.

"We'll stay home and watch movies okay?" He cooed at you before running away from your attempted kick.

A whole day of snuggling to Seungwoo while you were feeling down? Perfect.

Another Seungwoo oneshot 💙💛 ult bias. Hope you like the stories!

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