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italics: internal thoughts

POV: point of view

Name: [Y/N]

Hair Color: [H/C]

Hair Length: [H/L]

Eye Color: [E/C]

Favorite Color: Black

- Quirk(s):

1 Time Manipulation:

You can slow down or speed up time and you have mastered it enough so you can even stop time. You can't make time go backward and you can't see the future.

Downsides: Using it too much makes you nauseous (though you trained a lot to prevent this from happening, it still happens when using your quirk for an extended period of time and when you're really nervous). You age slower (due to your quirk) so you have to use it for a certain amount of time every day so you can age somewhat normally (so basically you have a couple of extra hours to your day).

2 One for All (All Might's quirk):

Basically super strength- strength surges through your body, allowing you to throw a mean punch. (how you get it will be explained)

3 Sherlock Mind: (I won't be writing about this in detail every time you use it- it's like a passive ability)

It isn't a quirk but a special ability. Your mind is more developed than most people, so your mind is able to display images, information, and numbers in "front" of you, a bit like a computer. making you great at reading people as well. (a bit like the image below)

 (a bit like the image below)

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You were born in America and at the age of 5, your parents were the victims of a home invasion and were murdered in front of you. Your quirk hadn't developed yet so you were defenseless, yet you still fought back and managed to get away from the attacker. When he caught up to you All Might came in and rescued you, but he was too late to save your family.

As he carried you out, he thought about how he saw you fight back and how you never gave up though you stood no chance. He thought you would be a great successor and how that's what he wanted for you. Little did he know that while your head was nuzzled against his neck a trickle of blood from a cut on his cheek flowed down his neck to where the little girl's head was resting. The blood entered her mouth and a magical surge entered her bloodstream

(I know it's random and totally not accurate but in this story, All Might can also transfer his power to Midoriya later on, I just thought it'd be cool if [Y/N] gained the power accidentally)

3 months after the death of your family you started training in four martial arts, and by the age of nine, you had a black belt in krav maga, jiu-jitsu, karate, and taekwondo. You were dedicated to being able to defend yourself against anyone and everyone. All Might had taken you in, but he soon left for Japan after his visit to America, leaving you to shield you from the fame and attention that would come with being his adoptive daughter. (sorry if there are a couple of plot holes) You managed to live on your own at the age of 9 and after a lot of convincing, you got All Might to enroll you in a military training course. Around halfway through this training, your quirks developed, but since it was illegal to have a quirk, you trained in secret, applying things you learned in combat training and applied it to training your quirks. You then deducted that your second quirk was One for All based on what your dad had told you. You also knew that he didn't mean to give it to you because he told you that he still hadn't found a successor yet, so you didn't tell him and continued to train in secret.

When you were 14, you had practically mastered both your quirks and you were just as deadly without them. You were also top of all your classes due to your ability to do deductions. Needless to say, All Might was proud, though he rarely helped with your schoolwork, much less your quirk training. At the end of your last year of middle school, All Might came to your apartment (he paid for it but you considered it your own, especially since you started working your own jobs to be able to pay him back). He told you that he was going to recommend you to UA, he asked if you would want to go. You said yes but you didn't want to skip the entry exam, you wanted to prove that you weren't some prissy who pampered all her life who only got in because of recommendation. He booked your flight, but he messed up the dates, so you would arrive at school a couple of days late to school. You weren't surprised though, your dad was always a bit scatterbrained nowadays.

- Personality:

You are stubborn, slightly shy but once you open up, you're very fun and outgoing. You're very caring to everyone and you're always looking out for others, even if you don't know them. You are very sassy and are often compared to a firecracker. You fight for your friends because you're very loyal. You also refuse to let anyone walk over you, hence the stubborness.

- Extra Information:

You are taller than the average girl, but not extremely tall. You are also very artistic and tend to doodle on your hand and in your notes in class.

When you use One for All, the power surges through and takes on the appearance of a white glow.

Your weapons of choice were a pair of katanas strapped to your back, as well as an array of fighting and throwing knives on a utility belt.

You didn't want to become a pro hero, you wanted to prove that you could to yourself, but after you wanted to be an underground hero, working as a secret agent under the government. (like Eraserhead)

TW!: there will be moments of self harm in this book (I will provide a trigger warning at the beginning of these chapters)
[Y/N] in this story is depressed- it went into remission but the stress of the new and hectic life in Japan (and other things that happen along the way) cause it to worsen again. [Y/N] wears a bracelet to cover her scars (they aren't covered completely, but it serves to avert eyes so people don't notice them underneath the bracelet).

Author's notes:

This is my first time writing something like this so please take it easy on me :)

I'm also still in school so I don't know how often I'll be updating but I'm really excited about writing this.

I also don't have any particular ships in mind, but I'll be shipping [Y/N] with a lot of different people. But if you have a particular ship you want for an episode and I'll try my best.

I'll also try and follow the overall plot of the anime, but I will add my own bits here and there, it is fanfiction after all :) I will also continue the story past where the anime is (if I can get that far)


hi guys, full disclaimer, I unpublished this whole story like two years ago cause I got embarrassed >_< I've decided to republish it... because why not

I wrote this when I was a freshman in high school... so it's really weird for me to look back on this now that I'm a freshman in college. I will no longer be updating this... unless by some miracle I regain interest (maybe I'll write something to give the story some closure).

Thank you to everyone who read this story, voted for it, or left me comments. I did go through and read them all so thank you so so much! Y'all brought me so much joy while I was writing this, I hope republishing it and leaving it up might bring some joy to others in return.

Bye now! :)

Word Count: 1335

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