Chapter 16

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[Y/N]'s POV:

I looked down at the ash-blond,

"Hey Bakugou," I said, smiling slightly,

"Don't 'hey' me," he grumbled, "Why'd you call me out here in the middle of the night?!"

"I needed someone to talk to," I shrugged,

"Why'd you call me though. We both know I'm not the best to talk to." He rolled his eyes, "Now get down from the tree before you fall."

"Don't wanna," I said childishly, crossing my arms and chuckling,

"I don't care if you don't want to, you're coming down from there," the boy said, clearly annoyed by my stubbornness.

"What are ya going to do about it?" I teased,

"Don't make me come up there [Y/N]..." he threatened in a low growl, his red eyes boring into me,

"Please do," I said, waving my arms nonchalantly, "Don't let me stop you," he glared at me before letting loose explosions from his hands, launching him into the air. He flew onto the branch but lost his footing. He was about to fall off when I grabbed his arm and pulled him back onto the branch and steadied him,

"Dumbass," he huffed as he sat down, one leg dangling on either side of the thick branch. I laughed,

"You're welcome."


We sat in silence for a minute before he spoke again,

"So why did you want to talk to me?" his voice wasn't it's loud and vicious self. Instead, it held a serious tone, and it almost seemed... concerned. I beckoned him closer and he scooched a bit closer to me,

"Closer, I'm not going to bite." I teased, he frowned but moved closer. Our knees were touching each other now. I let out a heavy sigh and leaned forward, placing my head on his shoulder,

"I'm such a dumbass," I mumbled. I felt Bakugou stiffen, "you were right. How could I be so dumb?" the temperamental teen remained silent, understanding that the question was rhetorical. I continued my rant,

"I mean, I know it's dumb of me to think that there was anything real between me and Shindo, we just met today after all. I was dumb to get my hopes up. I can't even be mad at you for yelling at us, or at Todoroki for being wary. I can't even be mad at Shindo, it was nothing but a kiss, his words obviously meant nothing.

I'm not even that upset over it, there was no way my dad would allow me to date him anyway. I don't know why I'm so... so... fucked up. I guess that girl's words was the final push I needed to snap. After hearing those words, I realized that Shindo and I would probably never talk again," I let out a dry laugh before continuing,

"How pathetic, right? Getting worked up over some guy I just met, I really am weak. I just keep trying to improve myself as a person, but I just can't seem to please All Might. No matter what I do, it's always 'good job, but...', or, 'if only you...' and I'm tired of it.

I'm tired of not being enough. I wasn't pretty enough for Shindo, I'm not strong enough for All Might. I don't deserve the life I have! I'm not kind enough to deserve everyone' s friendship. And most of all, I don't deserve you...Katsuki.

You are so strong and independent. You can do anything you put your mind to it and though you would never admit it, you care. You always help your friends when they need it and you do everything in your power to hide this. It just makes you even more... perfect. And me, I'm just a weak pathetic excuse for a hero. I don't deserve to even breath the same air as someone like you, someone who is as amazing as you.

Sometimes I think that this world would be better without me, and that I should just close my eyes and never open them again. Maybe it would be best if I just-"

"Shut up." I froze at the edge in his voice and closed my mouth. "Don't you ever say that you aren't strong," his voice rang out over the crickets, "You are one of the strongest people I know. Hell, you might even be the strongest. You were able to beat me at the sports festival. You're the only person I am not ashamed to say has won against me. You. Beat. Me. If you say you aren't strong, what does that make me, huh? You say I'm strong, then logically you must also be strong since you beat me." Bakugou let out an aggravated sigh, "You are even dumber than I thought you were, [Y/N]." His warm and calloused hand found its way to my back and he started to rub small circles on my lower back. I kept my head on his shoulder, refusing to meet his eyes.

"And please, don't ever..." his voice trailed off, "don't ever say you want to die." It was my turn to stiffen now. His words shocked me to my very core. I leaned away from him and let out a nervous laugh.

"Wow, who knew Bakugou could be so serious! And you're not even yelling." I said, rubbing the back of my neck as I looked anywhere but Bakugou.

"Stop it, you always do this, you always laugh it off and put on a fake smile and say everything is okay! It's not okay!" his voice raised slightly and his hand that was on my back started to grip me a little tighter. "I don't know what I would do if you died [Y/N]. So please... please don't die." Bakugou's head was suddenly resting on my shoulder, much like I had moments before. I sighed and allowed his arms to pull me into a hug. Never in a million years would I have thought that Bakugou would initiate a hug, with me no less. I tentatively wrapped my arms around his neck, allowing my finger to wander through his blond locks. I gently pushed him away and scooched backward until my back was pressed against the trunk of the tree.

"Thank you Bakugou, truly. I have no idea what I would do if you died as well." I said softly, a genuine smile creeping onto my features, "I feel like you're one of the only people who I can just... speak freely with. Thank you."

"Yeah whatever, don't all soft on me dumbass. And don't tell anyone about this or I'll beat your ass." He growled I chuckled,

"I won't. I promise." I said as I stood up. Bakugou scrambled onto his feet as well, but his foot slipped and I watched as his arm shot out, grabbing my wrist and pulling me down with him. I let a shriek as our bodies hit the water and the cold enveloped the two of us. I quickly swam up, memories of the accident threatening to surface. Once realizing that the water was shallow, I quickly put my feet down and stood up, the water coming up to my waist. Bakugou stood next to me, also dripping wet, his hair falling over his eyes. I put a hand over my mouth in order to stop myself from laughing in his face. He shot me a glare,

"This is your fault, idiot," he said, though a smile formed on his lips as he stared at my giggling form.

"Sure," I said, still laughing, "but we should go home and dry off."

"Do you want me to walk you home?" he offered, I smiled at the blond,

"No, I have to go alone. There's something I need to do." I said, he shot me a look before nodding.

"Don't speak a word of this to anyone," he said over his shoulder as he disappeared, the only evidence of him ever being here being the wet footprints he left behind. I sighed and looked up at the stars, readying myself for what I was about to do. I walked home and opened the door, as expected, my father was waiting for me.

"Where were you? I was starting to worry," the frail hero said as he quickly rushed to get me a towel. I dried myself off before opening my mouth, the words that came out were words that I have been wanting to say for a long time.

"We need to talk, All Might."

(sry this art has nothing to do with the story but I absolutely love it!)

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(sry this art has nothing to do with the story but I absolutely love it!)

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