Chapter 2

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[Y/N's] POV:

At the sound of the horn, I closed my eyes and activated my quirk, making sure not to stop time completely. I took in a deep breath...

What is she doing? Thought Shinso.

I took off, using 1% of One for All to launch myself into the air and onto the roof of a nearby building. I scanned the arena, spotting all of the 3- pointer robots. I smiled and threw myself at the first one in my reach. I jumped on its back and stabbed my katanas into the robot's neck, I sliced my blades outwards, cutting the robot's head off. As the first robot fell, I kicked off its back and landed back on a roof. Spotting the next one, I jumped off the building, absorbing the impact of the fall with a roll, and popping back up on my feet, already running at the robot. Disposing of it quickly. Unfortunately, before I could move onto the next one, a 0- pointer had locked itself onto me and started its rampage in my direction. The robot raised its arm gun and aimed it at me. I loosened my quirk, and let time move a bit faster, I wanted them to think that I was slowing down (because why not give them all a heart attack)...

In the viewing room:

Denki's POV:

Holy shit! I thought as I watched [Y/N] destroy the first two robots so quickly. This girl is amazing! But wait... was she slowing down? The huge robot raised its gun and open-fired, all the spectators flinched, expecting to see the girl get shot.

"Oh my God!" cried Uraraka, "Look! She's fine, look! Look!" she frantically pointed at the screen.

[Y/N]'s POV:

As the robot opened fire, I slowed downtime again. This is too easy... I thought. I simply weaved my way through the slow-moving bullets. Once reaching the robot, I decided to show off a little. I used a special skill, using my katanas, I swung them back and forth with blinding speed. Next, I attacked the robot, my sharpened swords cutting clean through the metal like butter. I stepped back and the large robot burst into a bunch of metal ribbons. I grinned and looked at the camera closest to me.

"Well," I said, "I think that I'm through messing around. I'm just gonna get this over with now. Show's over." I saluted the camera and brought time to a near standstill, making sure that the cameras could still catch my work. Time to get serious...

In the viewing room:

"Oh my God! [Y/N]'s so manly!" said Kirishima. All the students in the viewing room were gaping at the screen, watching as [Y/N] stacked up points after points after points.

Todoroki's POV:

What the hell? I thought.  This is insane, what's her quirk?  I continued to ponder as I watched the girl in action. I felt an unfamiliar feeling in my chest as it constricted, my heart starting to pound against my ribcage. It was probably just me feeling anxious about the sheer speed and danger she was displaying. Yeah, that's probably it.

Bakugou's POV:

I was slack-jawed. She could beat me in a fight... god damn. But I felt a smile form on my lips, I was happy that this extra wasn't weak. [Y/N] was strong and my heart thumped into my throat... I wanted to fight her, right there and then.

Kirishima's POV:

I beamed, I had never met anyone this... this manly. I felt giddy looking at [Y/N] as her hair whipped around her face.

Denki's POV:

[Y/N]'s so cool, I thought, there's no way I'll let someone else have her, I have to ask her out first!

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