Chapter 11

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[Y/N]'s POV:

"Leo?" my voice shook uncontrollably. His mouth broke into a grin. Memories of that face and smile raced through my mind, "I thought you were dead!" tears fell down my face. The black-haired, green-eyed boy stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me, I couldn't move, my body was in shock. His hand ran through my hair and he smiled down at me. A heavy thud sounded as a large figure landed behind me.

"Get your hands off my daughter," my dad's voice boomed.

Todoroki's POV:

I watched in horror as All Might jumped in after [Y/N]. The hero had hesitated at first but jumped in after a couple of seconds. What was that about? A bunch of pro-heroes had surrounded the warp gate the second All Might jumped in. But none of them actually jumped in. Why? Why weren't any of them helping? What's going on? The heroes pushed Bakugou and me away from the portal, though I tried desperately to push my way through. My heart was pounding as I stared at the portal.

Suddenly, I could see [Y/N] stumble out of the warp gate, she was screaming. I used my ice to bring myself in front of the pros, Bakugou not far behind me. I got to her first, she collapsed into my arms, shaking, crying, and screaming. I held her tightly, not sure what I should do. Bakugou tried to calm her down by stroking her hair, which only caused her to shake even more. My mind was racing. Where's All Might? Is she okay? What happened? What's on the other side of the portal? The pro-heroes surrounding us were still, not sure what to do either. I picked up [Y/N] and carried her away from the portal. Once we were a good distance away, I sat down and cradled her head, the girl was weeping into my chest. Moments later, All Might leaped out of the gate mere seconds before it closed. He had an unconscious Shigaraki in his arms. He gave the villain to the police and ran over to me, [Y/N], and Bakugou.

"Give me [Y/N]," he took the trembling girl in his arms and started to walk away.

"Wait, where are you taking her?" I asked. The hero looked back at me and I saw something I never thought I'd see on All Might's face, fear.

"I'm going to get her help," was all he said before leaping into the air, taking [Y/N] with him. I stood there in shock, still processing what just occurred. It all happened so fast, it felt like mere seconds had passed.

Time Skip: location: hospital time: next day

Kirishima's POV:

The rest of the class and I decided to visit [Y/N] together after school. We were told that it was okay for us to see her, even if it had only been a day. She should be awake.

We walked into the hospital and went to the sign-in desk.

"Hi, we're here to see [Y/N], [L/N]?" I said, leaning over the reception desk. The nurse's eyes widened,

"All of you?" he asked,

"Yeah, is that allowed?" I asked nervously.

"Not normally, no. But I'm willing to make an exception for you guys. I heard about what happened, saw you guys in the sports festival." We thanked the nurse and walked to [Y/N]'s room. We stood in front of the door and shifter nervously. Surprisingly, Denki was the first to move, he pushed the door open and walked in, we followed suit. Someone was already here,

"What are you doing here?" asked Shinso, he was sitting next to [Y/N] and he was holding her hand. [Y/N] was staring out of the window, she didn't even acknowledge our entrance.

"We're here to see [Y/N]," said Denki. At the sound of her name, [Y/N] turned her head and looked at us blankly. I inhaled sharply, she looked different. Her eyes were sunken and bloodshot, she was slumped over, and her hair fell over her eyes.

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