Chapter 10

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Round 2: Midoriya vs. Todoroki

[Y/N]'s POV:

Midoriya was standing his ground, surprisingly. He broke the walls of ice Shoto sent to him by his fingers, breaking them in the process. What is my dad teaching him? This isn't right. I thought to myself. I could tell that they were talking to each other, about what, I'm not sure. Suddenly, the entire stadium heated up and flames erupted from Todoroki. Holy shit! I thought He's using his fire! The boy grinned maniacally before knocking Midoriya out of bounds. I could hear Endeavor yelling at his son with pride. I fought the urge to puke, god I hate that man.

Time Skip: Round 3

[Y/N] vs. Todoroki:

I had moved on to the next round, easily beating Iida. Unfortunately, I was getting weaker from overuse and I probably shouldn't freeze time for the next couple fights, I wanted to save my strength. I walked into the ring and looked at Todoroki, he looked quite bothered.

"This match is going to be interesting! On one side we have Endeavor's son Todoroki who has shown immense talent. On the other hand, we have [Y/N], the leader in the festival who has won every event. She also hasn't had a single scratch laid on her! Who will win?!" cried Mic over the loudspeaker.

"I'm sorry [Y/N], but I'm going to win this," said Shoto bluntly, his face was absolutely terrifying. I gulped but put on a brave face,

"You're going to use your fire, yes?" I asked, not sure which answer I wanted to hear. Todo frowned and shook his head,

"I'm still confused, something Midoriya said has got me questioning my actions and until I am sure of myself, I can't use my left side." I tilted my head,

"That isn't very fair though, is it?" he looked at me questioningly, "I mean, you used it for Midoriya, why not me? Also, you said that you wanted to win, if you want to beat me, you're going to have to use your fire."

"I'm going to win without using my father's fire." I rolled my eyes, It's your fire idiot, Jesus. I thought but didn't say anything. The match started and I slowed down time, rushing Todoroki. I could see him extend his right side, preparing his ice. I shifted my path and attacked his left side. This caught him by surprise and he tried to punch me as a counter-attack, I chuckled and simply grabbed his wrist. I put my mouth next to his ear and briefly released my quirk,

"Are you even going to try?" I snarled before flipping Todoroki over my shoulder and slamming him into the ground. His eyes widened and he quickly used a shield of ice to block my punch. My fist connected with the ice and four of my knuckles split. I winced but lept back before he could immobilize me with his ice. I slowed down time once more and rushed him, jumping over the ice escaping from his feet and ducking under the ice from his hand. I reached him and started to attack. My fist connected with his ribs, then his cheek, and then his ribs again. He stumbled back, in an act of desperation, he shot a bolt of ice out of his hand at me. I simply dodged and continued my relentless attacks, ultimately pushing him out of bounds. The crowd roared and I released my quirk. 

Todoroki looked utterly defeated. I walked over the line and hugged him, he stiffened in my arms at first, but soon relaxed and hugged back.

"Good match," I said, pulling away. He gripped my waist tighter, not letting go, I looked at him and he rest his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah," he stayed there for a couple of seconds before finally pulling away. We walked back to the stands, various first years congratulating me on winning the match.

"I can't get too cocky, it isn't over yet," I responded, knowing full well that the next match would hurt like a buttcheek on a stick, no matter who I went against. Before making it back to my seat, a strong pain hit me, causing me to double over and I managed to find a trash can and puked. My classmates looked at me concerned.

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