Chapter 29

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Disclaimer: talk of suicide and depression, if this upsets you then I suggest not reading this chapter

[Y/N]'s POV:

Midoriya hesitantly opened the door and stepped into his apartment. I chuckled as his red ears before following in after him.

"Mom?" he called, "I'm home!" Moments later a short, and a somewhat chubby woman with green hair identical to Izuku's came rushing from a room. Upon laying eyes on me, her face broke into one of the most brilliant smiles I had ever laid eyes one.

Yup, most definitely Midoriya's mom. She beamed as she came to a halt in front of us.

"Izuku! You finally brought a girl home!" She said, her contagious smile causing me to giggle as steam poured out of Midoriya's ears.

"MOOOOOM!" he cried in embarrassment. I laughed again before extending a hand out to Ms. Midoriya.

"Hello, my name is [y/n]. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Izuku has told me so much about you." If it was possible, her smile grew even wider as she shook my hand.

"Really! Hopefully not all bad! I'm Izuku's mother, but you figured as much. You can call me Inko sweetie."

"No, it was all lovely. He must love you very much," I smiled as she blushed, very similar to her son.

"O-Oh! I'm so flattered. Izuku has also told me a lot about you!"

"MOOOOM!" Izuku wailed again as he buried his head in his hands.

"Oh really?" I said, raising an eyebrow playfully.

"Mom, please..." the timid boy whimpered.

"Oh, how rude of me," Inko said as she clapped her hands together excitedly, "come in, come in!" she ushered the two of us into the kitchen and sat us down.

"You have a lovely home Inko," I said as I looked around the small apartment. It was well kept and cute, just like its inhabitants.

"Aw, thank you. You really are so sweet." The cute woman gushed as she handed a plate of brownies to Midoriya.

"W-We're going t-t-to g-go to my r-room," Izuku said as his face continued to rage a dark red. His mother smiled and waved us off, going back to busying herself in the kitchen. The nervous wreck of a boy led me through one of the halls before halting in front of a door.

Wait... a girl is going into my room! Midoriya cried internally. The girl I have a crush on no less! Oh my god, my room is full of All Might stuff. That's her dad for christ's sake. She's going to think I'm so weird, she's going to be absolutely disgusted!

"Izuku?" I asked, jolting the frozen broccoli, "you okay?"

"Y-YEAH! I'm g-g-great!" He squeaked before opening the door and stepping inside.

My jaw DROPPED. The room was filled with paraphernalia of All Might... my dad. I stole a glance at Izuku and saw that he was absolutely mortified.

To save him the embarrassment, I simply smiled at him,

"Wow," I said, "you really are All Might's biggest fan."

Once again, steam began to pour out of his ears and his face flushed.

"Y-Yeah!" he cried, his voice incredibly high pitched.

"Dude, relax. I was sorta expecting this..." I hesitated before adding, "I think it's cute. Anywho, what do you want to do?" After taking a bit to calm down, Izuku seemed to relax enough to form full sentences and sat down on the edge of his bed.

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