Chapter 17

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[Y/N]'s POV:

"We need to talk, All Might," I said. My father looked at me and sighed,

"We do." We went into the living room and sat down across from each other, All Might leaned forward and rested his elbows on his thighs.

"Okay, so I know this won't go over well with you so I'm just going to get it out of the way. I'm not going to marry Todoroki." He frowned and opened his mouth but I held up a hand and he shut his mouth, "I'm not doing this to spite you or anything, but I'm sure you know of his family situation," Toshinori nodded, "then I'm sure you understand why I don't want a quirk marriage. I'm not saying that Shoto will be abusive or anything, but it would be a marriage of power rather than love, which would inevitably lead to resentment. So though it may not be as bad as the Todoroki family, I do not intend to ever let that happen to me. And I hope you agree because you wouldn't want your daughter to be hated and abused by her" Toshi nodded sadly and pursed his lips, I continued,

"Next, I have a favor to ask. I'm willing to do my internship with Endeavor. I'm not going to deny that it would be beneficial for me intern with the number two hero, but I don't intend of marrying into his bloodline. So... my favor... can I get my hero license early?" my dad's eyes widened, "Look, all you have to do is give your permission or not, I already have the date location and forms all filled out, except for your signature. I've done all the work and organizing, I have it all figured out, all you have to do is sign. I was debating whether or not I should just forge your signature, but I decided that it would only serve to push us further apart." I finished and took a deep breath before looking at my father. The hero let out a heavy sigh and leaned back into the couch.

"Alright, I'll sign it. And I guess it's reasonable for you not to marry young Todoroki. Endeavor got into my head about making the future generation's number one hero. I apologize for the way I've been treating you these past few weeks and I apologize for not being there for you when Leo came back. I know it must have been incredibly difficult for you. I understand if you don't want to tell me, but I hope you have at least someone you can talk to. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, besides allowing you to get your hero license early, please tell me. I'll sign the papers right now if you want." All Might looked at me sadly. I got up and sat down next to him, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Thank you. For everything, I don't say it enough." he hugged me back just as tightly and we sat there for a while. It felt like we were a family again, "Dad, there's one more thing you could help me with," I said as I pulled away from him.

Time Skip: next day at school (still your POV)

I walked next to Bakugou, neither of us breathing a word about the situation with Shindo or the situation at the lake from yesterday. Instead, he yelled at me for avoiding my training with him.

"Why did you text me that you couldn't train with me, huh?" he growled,

"Sorry, I was grounded?" It came out more like a question than a statement,

"I call bs, you were scared, that's what." He said as he smirked smugly. I rolled my eyes,

"Yes, most definitely, that's exactly what it is. I was oh so terrified of the great big meanie Bakugou Katsuki." I said mockingly, he clicked his tongue, but the smirk never left his face,

"Damn right," he said proudly, I laughed.

"You seem happier than usual," he said as he raised an eyebrow at me, "did something happen after I saw you last night? Did Shindo call you?" Bakugou's voice dripped with disdain at the thought of the bastard who had kissed me.

"No, I just cleared the air with someone else and I feel much better now," I responded cheerily. The blond clicked his tongue and faced forward, ignoring the relief he felt in his chest. "I just have to talk with a couple more people before the internships then it will be smooth sailing from there." I continued as we walked into the classroom. Bakugou walked over to Kirishima and the rest of the Bakusquad and I walked over to Deku, Iida, and Ochaco.

"Oh, hey [Y/N]!" the brunette said brightly, I smiled in return,

"Hey Ochaco, Deku, Iida. Good morning!" I tilted my head and offered a close-eyes smile. I turned to Ochaco,

"Can I sit with you at lunch today Ochaco?" I asked,

"Of course! In fact, I've been meaning to ask you since things have been so frantic, we haven't been able to talk in a while."

"Yeah. I'm looking forward to it. Midoriya," the mop of green hair looked up at me sharply, a small blush already forming on his freckled cheeks, "can I talk to you outside real quick, we still have time before class starts."

"Y-Yeah, of c-course [Y/N]!" he nodded vigorously and followed me out, "so w-what did y-you want to t-talk to m-me about?" Midoriya stuttered as I leaned against the wall next to the classroom.

"I just wanted to apologize for my behavior recently, I've been avoiding you and the rest of the class and I've been quite... harsh. So I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize [Y/N]!" Midoriya cried as he waved his arms around frantically. "I mean, I noticed that you were acting differently but I didn't think it was my place to say anything. Either way, I'm glad you're feeling better! Maybe we could start our training again?" He gushed,

"..." I pondered in silence for a moment, making Izuku sweat, "I'll have to ask All Might, he was pretty intent on training you himself." My eyes darkened at the memory of the fight.

"Oh," Midoriya looked down at his feet in disappointment, "m-maybe we could hang out sometime?" he asked, his ears turning beet red.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" I asked teasingly, Deku buried his face into his arms and loud out a high pitched feminine squeal. I laughed and placed a hand on his shoulder in order to reassure him, "I'm just kidding Midoriya, I'd love to hang out with you. Just text me when you're available. Anyway, we should head back in, class is starting soon." Izuku's eyes trailed my form as I disappeared through the large doorway.

Time Skip: one week later (internships)

In the week leading up to my internship with Endeavor, I secretly got my hero license at a testing center not too far from UA. The group I was with was filled with inexperienced older kids, leading me to be the only one in the group to pass.

Today was the day. I took a deep breath and looked over at Todoroki, who offered me a reassuring smile before knocking on the door to his father's office.

"Come in." Came the stoic response. I gulped and followed Todoroki as he walked through the door.

Author's Note:

I'm not happy with this chapter but after this, WE'RE GETTING INTO THE HERO KILLER ARC! YAY

I'm not happy with this chapter but after this, WE'RE GETTING INTO THE HERO KILLER ARC! YAY

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