Chapter 21

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[Y/N]'s POV:

"Well..." the villain's raspy voice rang out, "that was very heartwarming, but it's time for you to die now." 

After these words, the Hero Killer's entire demeanor changed, it took a complete 180 and he became absolutely enraged. As Todoroki launched an attack on him with his fire, the villain let two blades loose and they sunk into his arm. And as Midoriya tried to use his quirk to bounce against the walls, Gran Torino style, the Hero Killer sliced at his leg again. 

Midoriya fell against the alley wall wincing and clutching his leg. Before Stain could throw himself at the fallen hero, Todoroki threw another blast of flames. However, the villain managed to lick Midoriya's blood off of his blade and the mop of green fell limply to the dirty floor. 

"One down, three more to go," Stain smirked as he looked at me, Iida, and Todoroki hungrily. He launched himself at Todoroki, but Iida quickly intercepted him and kicked the crazed villain away. 

"Leave, all of you!" the class president cried, "I won't let you shed any more blood for me!" 

"It's no use trying to pretend you're a hero now, a person's true nature doesn't change in just a few minutes. You'll never be anything but a fraud who prioritizes his own desires. You're the sickness that infected society and ruined the name hero!" the blood-thirsty creature snarled, "Someone must teach you a lesson." 

"And who is that someone?" I interjected, stepping in front of Todoroki, who seemed like he was going to burst a blood vessel at any moment. "Pfft, please. You're just a raving lunatic, what could you possibly teach us?" the Hero Killer's eyes narrowed at me,

"I know you're trying to provoke me, and that's very heroic of you. But I can't let any of you go now." Stain started to jump around the alley, trying to get an opening at me, Todoroki, and Iida as Shoto continuously blasted flames. 

"Hey! Todoroki!" Iida cried, "can you regulate your temperatures?" I raised an eyebrow. What is he planning?

"Not well with my left, but yes I can." Todoroki grit his teeth and kept his focus on the Hero Killer in front of him. 

"You got to freeze my leg for me!" Todoroki looked over, surprised by the request. "Without plugging the exhaust!" in his distraction, Todoroki failed to notice Stain had suddenly jumped closer and let a wave of knives at the bi-colored haired boy.

"You're in the way!" I yelled getting in between Todoroki and the shower of knives. The initial wave of blades dug into my back and I cried out in pain. I prepared myself for the second wave, but the pain didn't come. Instead, I felt a light breeze behind me. I turned my head and watched in horror as the blades sliced clean through Iida's arm. 

"No! [Y/N]! Iida!" Deku cried as he tried to stand up. 

"Why won't you stay down?!" Stain cried in annoyance as he launched another blade into Iida's arm, pinning his arm to the ground. I fell to the ground next to him. 

"Todoroki! Freeze his leg, now!" I cried as I placed a hand on the blade in Iida's arm. My back was throbbing and I looked at Iida. "You ready?" he nodded and clenched his eyes shut. "On three," I said and tightened my grip on the hilt on the blade. "1-" without warning, I yanked it free of his arm in one swift motion. He let out a cry and I threw the blade to the side and it clattered to the ground. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Deku. He was standing, or at least trying to, and his body course with the power of One for All. I looked at the two and immediately knew what they were planning. 

Iida used his engines on full blast and launched himself to meet the Hero Killer in the air. Midoriya used One for All at full power to join Iida in the air. I winced and tripped over my feet as a wave of pain and nausea course through my body. Tordoroki caught me, his hands wrapping around my waist, carefully avoiding the knives that were still impaled in my back. He shot me a concerned look before smiling up at our two companions.

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