Chapter 7

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*DISCLAIMER: Self-harm and abuse are written into this chapter, if this makes you uncomfortable, I suggest not reading this chapter.

Really long chapter BTW- enjoy :)

Time Skip: 1 week after USJ incident (timeline will be a bit different)

[Y/N]'s POV:

My ribs had healed, though still bruised, and I still had a couple of cuts and bruises here there. Dad and I have made up, but the subject of Todoroki was still touchy. After the incident at the USJ, the media hounded both the school and the students of 1-A, causing the school to beef up security. I walked into class for the first time in a week and was greeted by a bunch of smiles.

"Oh my god! [Y/N], are you okay?" It's so good to see you!" cried Mina as she hugged me tightly,

"Watch the ribs, Mina!" I squeaked, she released me quickly,

"[Y/N]!" I turned and saw Ochako smile. I smiled back as she too, wrapped me in a hug, "It's so good to see you! I missed you so much!" she freed me and smiled widely.

"I missed you too Ochako." As I was let go by Uraraka I got a couple of other greetings from my classmates. Before another pair of arms wrapped around me and a large chest was suddenly pushed up against mine. It was Momo,

"I'm so sorry [Y/N]! I didn't do anything to help you can now you're hurt!" I could hear her sniffle. I could also tell that the majority of the class felt this way as well,

"Hey," I said softly, "it isn't your fault, it was my decision to get involved, no one could've stopped me. And that goes for everyone." I said, turning to the rest of the class. They all shifted nervously, "This is no one else's fault but my own." I looked at all of them, making eye contact with as many as possible. Denki slowly raised his hand,

"Yes, Denki?"

"Um, I'm not sure how to ask this, but," he fidgeted with his hands, "but Bakugou and Kirishima said they heard you call All Might dad..." his voice trailed off. I sighed, I guess I might as well tell them.

"Um, yeah..." I rubbed the back of my neck, "All Might adopted me when I was five. My parents worked for the American government. Well, we were on vacation with a friend, and we were attacked. My parents and my friend didn't make it." My voice broke. The class was dead silent. Momo put a hand on my shoulder,

"I'm sorry [Y/N], we had no idea," she said softly, the rest of the class nodded.

"It's fine, it happened a long time ago and I understand why you guys would be curious. I mean, you deserve to know, you're my classmates after all." I gazed at them, noticing the depressing aura in the room, "Guys, let's not let this ruin our day! We are all okay now, isn't that great!" I plastered on a smile, earning a couple in return. The bell rang and we took our seats.

"I wonder who's going to be teaching, Mr. Aizawa has been out all week and he's probably still recovering," Tsu said. The door slid open and Mr. Aizawa walked in, his face was covered in bandages.

"Mr. Aizawa!?" shouted the class in unison. Mr. Aizawa stood in front of the class, I quickly lost interest quickly and started to doodle on my arm.

"The battle is far from over." I heard him say, this caught my attention and my eyes refocused.

"Don't tell me there are more villains!" cried Mineta,

"No, the UA sports festival is around the corner." I sighed and started drawing again as the class started talking excitedly. The class was dismissed shortly after and I walked with Deku, Uraraka, and Iida to lunch.

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