Chapter 6

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[Y/N]'s POV:

"Thirteen! Protect the kids and get them out of here!" Mr. Aizawa yelled, before launching himself at the array of villains. I watched, shocked at skilled he was, fighting villains left and right with ease. A couple of my classmates had turned and ran towards the exit, only to be blocked by the whispy villain who had created the warp gate.

"There is no escape." he said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, we are the League of Villains." my fellow classmates trembled. I took a step forward as the villain continued on about killing All Might. He stopped and looked at me, or at least I think he did, it was hard to tell. Before I could tell him to fuck off, two people rushed in front of me. Kirishima and Bakugou, of course. They attacked at the same time, releasing a devastating blow that rocked the USJ. They smiled, but it was short-lived as the villain rematerialized in front of them. Suddenly, warp gates appeared all around us, sucking us in one by one. I fell through one and saw water below me. Really far below me.

As I fell, I tried to calm down my racing heart as much as possible before slamming into the water. My head spun at the impact of the water but I knew I had to swim up. A long tongue wrapped itself around my waist and hauled me out of the water. I felt myself cough and sat up, coming face to face with Tsu, Midoriya, and a frantic Mineta. Great. As Mineta freaked out and Midoriya and Tsu planned a way to escape from the flood zone, I thought about our other classmates, wondering if they were okay or not. I looked up and saw Aizawa fighting a huge group of villains,

"He can't last much longer," I said, looking back at my three classmates, "I'm sorry, I have to go help him! I trust that you guys will be able to get out of here." I said before jumping over the side of the boat.

"[Y/N]!" I heard Izuku yell before I was immersed underwater. I opened my eyes and saw all of the surrounding villains coming at me. I slowed down time and started swimming to the surface. As I caught a breath of air, I started swimming freestyle to the shore. Because these villain's quirks were all water-based, some were catching up to me. Shit, I thought, not wanting to exert myself, but not wanting to get eaten, so I stopped time completely and swam to shore, giving myself a moments rest before releasing my quirk. I saw Midoriya's eyes widen as he saw me on land already. He shouted something but I had already turned and started to run towards Aizawa. I arrived in time to see a man with light blue hair and hands all over his body grab Aizawa's elbow. I watched in horror as my teacher's elbow disintegrate.

"Let him go!" I yelled, unsheathing my katanas and running at them with blinding speed. The villain looked up as I threw a flying sidekick to his face, or the hand covering his face. He staggered back and let go of my teacher.

"Well, well, well," his creepy voice rang out, "what do we have here? A little student has decided to play the hero? Ha!"

"Fuck off." was my only response.

"Oh, spicy. I like that. With an attitude like that, you could make a good villain." his voice piqued with interest.

"I'm already in a bad mood, so come at me fuckface, let's see what you-"

"[L/N], get out of here, I got this," Aizawa said, cutting me off.

"Hey!" the guy whined, sounding like a child, "I like this one! they were actually interesting to talk to. Whatever. Either way, it isn't me you should be worried about fighting, I'm not the final boss Eraserhead." I turned in time to see a huge bird looking creature crash into Aizawa.

"Never turn your back on the enemy darling." I heard a voice whisper. I immediately used my quirk and turned on time to see a hand reaching for me. I ducked under it and slammed my fist into the guy's chest, hearing a slight crack. Thank God for all those years in martial arts. I thought,

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