Chapter 20

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[Y/N]'s POV:

I turned and bolted away from Endeavor, not bothering to hear his response. I soon caught up to Todoroki as he turned down a back street. 

"How far away are we?" I asked as I released my quirk, he looked over at me in surprise but didn't lose his stride. 

"One more block," he let out in a heavy breath. I nodded and started running harder. "Turn here." I pivoted and burst into a dark alley. My heart froze at the sight of what was happening. Iida was on the floor, seemingly unconscious, and another man was slumped against the wall. However, what really caught my eye was Midoriya, he was glowing with green energy and he was facing a man. The man was hunched, had bandages covering his face and body, as well as an array of knives and weapons. 

"You're the Hero Killer," I said loudly, catching the attention of everyone in the alley. 

"[Y-Y/N]!" Midoriya cried, "w-w-what are y-you d-doing here?!" he cried,  

"I got your text. Next time, send more than your location." I said, keeping my eyes on the villain in front of us. "Also, you seem to have improved with your training," I said, nodding at his glowing form. He nodded firmly and the Hero Killer let out a dry laugh, 

"Really! More kids, you guys should just go... I don't have to kill you guys, just those two over there." He pointed to Iida and to the other man who I identified as the pro-hero Native. I shook my head and stepped forward, 

"You know we can't do that," I said 

"Wait, [Y/N]! Careful, his quirk is blood-related, he licked my blood from his blade and I was paralyzed, don't let him cut you." Midoriya said, I looked at him and nodded, 

"Okay, you and Shoto keep him distracted, I'll get Native and Iida out of here, got it?" Midoriya nodded, "Shoto, cover Deku from behind, make sure that the Hero Killer here doesn't get close enough to cut either of you," 

"Hahahahaha!" the villain laughed at me, "You actually seem like a hero, making a plan so quickly that will minimize the damage. Well done! I applaud you. You should just leave, I'm only here to kill the false heroes you are trying to save. I won't kill you or you two friends here if you leave now... if not, I'll just have to kill you as well." I ignored him and looked at the two boys standing next to me. I nodded, 

"Now," I whispered, loud enough for both of them to hear. They sprung into action, Deku launched himself at the Hero Killer and Todoroki started to make ice. I, on the other hand, slowed the entire scene and rushed to the pro hero that was laying against the alley wall and slipped him over my shoulders. 

"Not so fast!" I heard the villain's raspy voice in slow motion. I turned and saw one of his blades flying towards my face. My eyes widened but I enhanced the strength of my quirk before quickly moving out of the way. The blade sunk into the wall behind me with a sickening thud. I lifted Native up and ran out of the alley, placing him against a wall away from the alley. His mouth opened and I released my quirk to let him speak, 

"Thank you. I don't know who you are, but you need to get out of here. Stain is too powerful, you'll all die. Just leave me here, let him kill me." I frowned, 

"Backup is on the way, okay? Sit tight." I stood up and ignored his pleas for me to flee. I ran back into the alley in time to see Stain drive his blade into Deku's arm. The green-haired boy let out a yelp of pain and I immediately rushed forward. Before Stain's tongue could lick the blood off his blade, I drew my katanas and smacked his blade away from his mouth. He jumped back in surprise, 

"Next time, I'll be cutting your tongue off," I growled, his eyes stayed on me as he paced back and forth, rambling on and on about how the heroes of today aren't worthy and how he needed to rid the world of their plague, I rolled my eyes, 

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