Chapter 8

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[Y/N]'s POV:

The next day, I put on a black hoodie over my uniform, wanting to be more comfortable. I walked out of my house and put my earbuds on full blast and put on my hood. I walked to school alone, I had texted Bakugou last night, telling him not to wait for me.

I walked into the classroom as the bell rang and sat in my seat. I ignored the lesson and drew on the back of my notes. Before I knew it, the bell rang for lunch. Midoriya started to walk towards my desk smiling. I used my quirk, stopped time completely, and left the room. I walked into the school's garden, somewhere where I could go to be alone.

Midoriya's POV:

I started walking towards [Y/N], wanting to thank her for helping me yesterday, but I blinked and she was gone. Where did she go?

"I wonder what's going on with her," said Uraraka, "She's been acting strange."

"Yeah, I noticed that too," I said, thinking about her and All Might's behavior, "I hope everything's okay," I walked to lunch with Uraraka and Iida, looking for [Y/N] as we walked. Once in the cafeteria, I spotted lavender hair and walked up to Shinso.

"Hey, Shinso," I said, he turned around, his eyes darkening when seeing me, I gulped,

"You're the guy who's been hanging around [N/N]," he said, his eyes narrowing, "what do you want?"

"I was wondering if you knew where [Y/N] is. She simply disappeared from class and she's been acting weird lately. I was wondering if you knew anything." A look of concern flashed through his eyes,

"She probably didn't want to talk to you," he said flatly before pushing past me and walking away. Though he acted like he didn't care, I knew he was going to look for her.

Shinso's POV:

I walked briskly through the hallway, I knew where I was headed.

Why hasn't she been talking to me? I walked into the garden and saw [Y/N] sitting under a tree. I walked over and sat down next to her. She looked over at me and smiled, her eyes were red and puffy.

"Hey," she said,

"Hi," I answered softly, "are you okay?" she looked at me for a couple of seconds before lowering her head.

"No." [Y/N] said quietly,

"What's going on?" I asked, taking her hand in mine, they were freezing. I saw a tear roll down her cheek. She hesitated, took a shaky breath, and told me everything, about her dad, her quirk marriage, how the villains were after her, everything. I pulled her close as she cried softly.

"[Y/N], I hate to have to ask you this, but..." I said, dreading the question I was about to ask, "can I see your wrist?" her eyes shot up. That was the confirmation I needed. I took her wrist and gently pulled back her sweater's sleeve, revealing a bandage underneath her bracelet. I stared into her sorrowful [E/C] eyes.


"Because it was the only way!" she exploded, "The only way to stop the pain! I wanted to stop the pain..." she cried, "I didn't want to hurt anymore! I wanted to go!" the girl started sobbing. I was taken aback, she hasn't been this bad in years. I held her tightly, scared she my just vanish from my arms at any moment and took an unsteady breath.

"Please don't leave me," I muttered, [Y/N] hugged me tighter and whispered,

"I won't." We sat there in each other's arms, and I never wanted to let her go again.

Suddenly, a warp gate opened in front of us and a man with light blue hair walked out. [Y/N]'s eyes went wide and she shot to her feet.

"Shigaraki," she said, the man chuckled.

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