Chapter 19

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[Y/N]'s POV:

My eyes fluttered open, and I stared up at the ceiling. I looked over to the bed next to mine and smiled at the sight of Todoroki. He was still in a deep sleep, and he was snoring lightly. his two-toned hair was spread across the pillow, forming a halo around his head. I sat up and extended arms up above my head, stretching out my back in the process. I slipped my legs out from under the covers and swung them over the side of the bed. I reached for my phone and checked the time, it was 6 am.

Too goddamn early. I groaned internally as I stood up and shuffled into the bathroom. I did my business and quickly grabbed my hero outfit before stepping back into the bathroom to shower. I turned on the water and stripped. I stuck my hand under the water and waited until it was warm enough for me to step into.

Todoroki's POV:

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and let out a long yawn. I sat up and looked around the room and noticed that [Y/N] wasn't in her bed. I heard the sound of the shower running, I let out a heavy sigh and flopped back onto the bed and closed my eyes once more.

Once I heard the water stop running I turned my head and peeked at the bathroom door. It creaked open and [Y/N] walked out in a towel. Her [h/c] hair was wet and it fell over her shoulders loosely. The short towel wrapped around her torso, exposing her sharp collar bone and thin, but toned arms, and the white cloth stopped just above mid-thigh. I felt my self on the edge of spontaneous combustion, yet I was unable to look away. She tiptoed back into the room, probably assuming that I was still asleep. She crouched down in front of her bag and reached in for something. As she stood back up, she turned around and our eyes met.

Oh, fuck. I thought as I blushed furiously. Her eyes widened and she quickly walked back into the bathroom and closed the door behind her with a click.

"Sorry, Todoroki!" I heard her yell through the door, "I didn't mean to wake you!" I covered my burning face with my hands,

"It's okay, I was already up anyway." I turned around and faced my back to the door of the bathroom.

Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit! I continued to bury my face in my hands in an attempt to hide from the world.

"Ha, sorry about that Todoroki, I didn't know you were awake," I heard [Y/N]'s voice as the bathroom door opened again. I didn't look up from my hands, too afraid to look her in the eyes.

"It's alright, what time is it anyway?" I asked, changing the subject as quickly as possible,

"Uhhh... it is... 6:10!" she chirped, "oh, your dad texted us, he says to be ready by 6:30." I looked over at her and she was dressed up in her hero suit. [Y/N] looked at me and smiled sheepishly, "The bathroom's free by the way." She chuckled softly before crouching down and zipping up her bag. She tossed it onto her bed and flopped down next to it. When I didn't move, she looked at me again,

"Time's a ticking Todoroki! Get a move on," she said as she motioned for me to move. I jolted out of my daze and quickly got ready as [Y/N] scrolled through her phone.


We stepped out of the hotel room and brought our bags down to the lobby. We handed them to the hotel workers and they carried them to the car waiting out front. After watching our bags get taken away, [Y/N] turned and sauntered back into the hotel after voicing a quick thank you. She walked over to where my father was standing. He was talking with another man, probably another pro hero. She greeted them both and I walked over as well,

"Good morning Sir Endeavor, and you as well." She nodded to the other man, "The car is ready when you are." She said, her voice light and respectful. I smirked, she was putting up appearances. My father raised an eyebrow at [Y/N], unused to this attitude from her. But the flaming hero nodded nonetheless.

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