Chapter 15

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[Y/N]'s POV:

The rest of our time was fun, but I didn't sing again. Instead, I sat on the couch and watched, putting on a fake smile and cheering on my classmates. I didn't look at Todoroki once either. I knew he was right, that I was too naive and trusting. I just didn't have the courage to face him, not right now. I feared that it might become an argument.

"Alright, last song, who's gonna do it?" Denki inquired, "We still have two people who haven't come up yet. Should we make one of them go?" I looked over at Todoroki and Bakugou, both were glaring daggers at Kaminari, "m-maybe not then." Denki chuckled nervously, "Do we have any volunteers?" he looked at me eagerly but I shook my head. "Fine! Since no one else wants to go, we'll all go." Denki said, herding everyone onto the stage. He set up his phone to record us and joined us on stage. We sang one last song, I hung out in the back and lip-synced instead of actually singing.

We all filed out of the room and people started walking home. I was about to walk over to Bakugou so we could walk together like we used to. However, a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the class, it was Todoroki. I gulped as he looked at me, he opened his mouth,

"[Y/N], I'm sor-"

"No!" I interrupted, his eyes widened, "you don't have to be sorry. You were right. I'm the one who should be apologizing." I bowed my head, when I looked up at the boy, he was holding back tears. "Todoroki?!" I cried, "Are you okay? Was it something I said? Did I say something wrong? What did I do? Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I placed my hand on his broad shoulders,

"No no, [Y/N], it's fine. You didn't do anything wrong," he quickly reassured me, his own hand reaching over and grasping my own, "It's just... I was so worried when you were taken and I felt so helpless. I was just so frustrated that I couldn't do anything. I was so useless! Then I took out my frustrations on you... you didn't deserve that. I should be the one apologizing to you. I failed you." he sniffed and I looked at him, concern written all over my face.

I pulled him into a tight hug. He didn't hesitate this time and immediately hugged me back. He buried his head into the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply. We stood there for a couple of minutes before I pulled away. I looked around for Bakugou but he was nowhere to be seen. I sighed, I guess he left me. I turned to the boy next to me,

"I should head home now, so should you," Todoroki nodded,

"Get home safe."

"You too," I said before heading home.

Bakugou's POV:

I stomped home, Kirishima by my side. My mind was on fire as I kept replaying the scene I had walked in on. That Shindo kid with his arms around [Y/N], his mouth against hers, her lips curving into a smile. I shook my head and growled. Why did I care so much? Shindo was right, what [Y/N] did was none of my business.

"Yo, Bakugou, what's up with you?" the redhead asked,

"Shut it, Shittyhair!" I yelled, he sighed,

"It has something to do with [Y/N], doesn't it?"

"So what if it does?" I grumbled,

"You gonna tell me or not?" he pushed. I hesitated, I told [Y/N] that I wouldn't tell anyone, but it was Kiri, I could tell him... right?

"Fine, I'll tell you..."

Y/N's POV:

I laid down on my bed and flipped through the offers I had gotten for internships. Several caught my eye and I was having a hard time choosing. I didn't even hear as All Might walked into my room. He looked at me before picking up the list of internship offers, his eyes narrowed as he read the ones I circled. I gulped nervously,

"Don't worry about this, I've already accepted Endeavor's offer. You'll be doing your internship with young Todoroki." I lowered my head, I had crossed out Endeavor's name on my list. Of course. I thought dryly, I nodded and walked out of my room. I threw on a pair of sneakers and headed to the front door, not giving my father a second glance,

"Where do you think you're going?" I heard him say,

"Walk." I said simply before walking out the door.

I pulled out my phone and fished out a small piece of paper out of my pocket. I looked at Shindo's scrawled number, there was a heart next to it. I smiled and dialed the number,

"Hello?" my heart sank, it was a girl's voice,

"Uh, h-hello, is this Shinso's phone?" I asked hesitantly,

"Yeah, hold on a sec. Yo, Shindo! there's someone on the phone for you!" I could hear her yell away from the phone, "Is this another one of those girls who keep flirting with you?" I heard her distorted voice and my heart sank even more, "Shut up!" came the reply,

"Hello?" I heard his voice as he spoke into the phone,


"Yeah, who's this?" he asked, I took a breath,

"It's [Y/N]," I said quietly, I could feel tears building,

"Oh, [Y/N], I'm glad you called," he said, "I was wondering if you were okay, I mean, that blond kid was fucking pissed." He chuckled,

"Yeah," I said, quietly, not returning his playful banter,

"You okay? You sound upset, did something happen?"

"No, I'm fine. I just wanted to give you a call. I have to go now," I said, pulling the phone away,

"Wait, [Y/N]-" Shindo started,

"Bye Shindo," I said solemnly, hanging up.

I stared at my phone. Subconsciously I dialed another number,

"Tch, why are you calling me, dumbass?" I smiled at the sound of his voice,

"Hey," I said softly. I guess he could tell something was wrong because his tone changed,

"What happened?" his voice didn't hold its usual venom,

"Can you meet me?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly,

"The hell? Why would I do that?"

"Please..." I said. I heard a huff on the other end of the line.

"Fine," I smiled, "but you owe me." I chuckled.

"Meet me at the lake," I said before hanging up. I turned and started walking in the other direction.


I got there and started to climb a tree by the water's edge. I found a sturdy branch and sat down. I leaned back against the trunk and closed my eyes.

"Oi, dumbass, get down from there before you get hurt." My eyes snapped open and I looked down.

He came.

Author's Note:

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Author's Note:

Hey guys, I just wanted to say thank you for 2k reads!!!! Never in a million years did I think that this book would even reach 100 reads. Thank you guys so much :)

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