Chapter 1

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[Y/N]'s POV:

I took a deep breath in front of the large door separating me from my future classmates.

"Also, we have a new student joining us today." I heard a monotone voice say. I peeked into the classroom and saw a tall homeless looking man (Mr. Aizawa I assumed) looking back at me. I walked in and stood in front of the class.

"Um, hi!" I said, "My name is [F/N] [L/N], but you guys can call me [F/N]. I apologize for being a couple of days late, my flight schedule got messed up a bit." I smiled and tilted my head, scanning my new classmates as information about them flew at me as I noticed small details about them here and there. A hand shot up from the third row, a guy with spiky red hair was looking at me eagerly. I looked at him for a second and smiled.


"Where did you fly from?" he asked.

"I'm from America." The class frowned, aware that quirks were illegal in America [I explain this in the author's note at the bottom], so it was clear that they were wondering how I could possibly be prepared for the hero course at one of the most elite high schools in Japan. "I'm sor-" I started, trying to get the boy's name, but a was cut off by a very loud voice.

"From America? HA, you must be weak, should've known not to be intimidated by a dumbass like you! How pathetic." He scoffed. I frowned at him for a couple of seconds, then I let out a laugh, catching him off guard. I glanced at Aizawa, inviting him to explain for me.

"Actually Bakugou, Ms. [L/N] was let in on recommendation," their eyes shot back to me and I smirked.

3rd person POV:

A boy with hair that reminded me of the Canadian flag (as it was half red and half white) leaned forward, suddenly interested in this new development.

[Y/N]'s POV:

Aizawa continued,

"However, she has requested to still participate in the practical exam." This put the class into even more shock. I smiled at their reaction and decided to explain a bit more.

"Thank you, Mr. Aizawa. I am still going to be completing both the practical exam and the placement exam for this class so I can show off a bit. I think it'll show why I was let in on recommendation." I glanced at the bi-colored hair boy, who was staring intensely at me. Another hand was raised from the back row, a girl with short brown hair and round cheeks.


"What is your quirk?" The rest of the class leaned forward eagerly.

"It's a secret," I said smiling slyly and winking at the girl, she blushed and looked away. The rest of the class sighed, disappointed. "But," I added. "you guys can come to see my practical exam after school today if you would like, right Mr. Aizawa?" I looked at him sideways. [another smol explanation- in America, I think a person's quirk would be private, so legally schools can't expose their students' quirks without their or parental consent]

"Sure, I don't care," he replied, "now go sit next to Todoroki. Raise your hand." The boy with the two-toned hair raised his hand. I smiled and made my way to my new seat. A girl with a high black ponytail extended her hand towards me.

"Hi, my name is Yaoyorozu, but you can call me Momo. It's a pleasure to meet you [L/N]."

"Please, call me [F/N], Momo, and the pleasure's all mine." I smiled and shook her hand.

Momo's POV:

I smiled back at her, pleased with her pleasant attitude. I look forward to working with another capable hero. My heart beat faster in anticipation and excitement as Aizawa called for the class to quiet down before starting class.

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