Chapter 18

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[Y/N]'s POV:

We stepped into the office, and the door shut with an ominous click behind us. Endeavor sat at his desk, looking as grumpy as ever. We motioned for us to come closer so I followed Todoroki as he sat at one of the two chairs that faced the hero's desk. The flaming hero glared at me,

"I got off the phone with your father not too long ago," he said, his voice holding a sharp edge. I gulped and focused on the documents littering the desk. Endeavor continued, "Needless to say I'm disappointed, but your father seemed quite determined, so I agreed to drop the matter." I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, sir," I said as I bowed my head. Todoroki looked at me in confusion, "I'll explain later," I whispered, to which he nodded. Endeavor nodded and stood up from his desk.

"Alright, as you would expect, you aren't going to be getting easy training here. Tomorrow, we leave for Hosu city, so rest well tonight." He said sternly.

"Are we going to Hosu to track the Hero Killer?" I asked, he looked at me sharply,

"Yes..." he seemed surprised that I was able to figure it out so quick, "if he keeps up his pattern, he should still be in Hosu. You're very astute, [L/N]. You will make a great hero one day." He said as he left me and Todoroki in his office. As the door clicked shut, Shoto looked over at me.

"So what was that about?" he asked, I sighed as I turned to the door,

"I talked my dad out of the arranged marriage," I said as I walked out the door,

"Really?" Shoto seemed surprised and I nodded, "How did you do that?" I shrugged,

"I sat him down and had a talk with him. It didn't take too much reasoning."

Time Skip: back the hotel

Todoroki's's POV:

I walked back into [Y/N] and I's shared hotel room. She yawned as she flopped down on her bed. When my father first told me that we were sharing a room, I nearly caught fire.

But I determined that it wouldn't be so bad. [Y/N] was a very fun and interesting person to be around, so I wouldn't feel too awkward if it was her I was sharing a room with. On the other hand, I realized that I had a massive crush on [Y/N], and I had the slight chance of spontaneous combustion is I was in close proximity to her.

Thankfully, the room had two separate beds, not that I would put it past my father to only have a single bedded room. I flopped on my own bed and turned my head to look at her. She was already looking at me. As our eyes met, my face heated up and quickly looked away. A small chuckled escaped her lips and she sat up and stretched. She slid off the bed and started to pack her bag.

"You should pack Todoroki, I don't know when we're leaving tomorrow," she said, yawning once more. I nuzzled my head into my pillows,

"I don't wanna," I mumbled. I could hear [Y/N] move around the room, but I didn't know where she was until I felt the weight on the bed shift.

"Shoto, come on, you don't want to give your father another reason to criticize you." I shifted in my pillows to respond but she cut me off, "You know he will." She added. I groaned and flipped over. She smiled down at me before tugging at my arm. I allowed her to pull me up and [Y/N] went back to packing her own bag.

"So what is your quirk?" I asked as I got up and started packing. [Y/N] looked at me out of the corner of her eye and sighed,

"I thought that your dad had already told you," she started, "My quirk is time manipulation. I can slow down or speed up time. Slowing down time takes more energy than speeding up. I can't travel through time though, which is often a misconception." She finished and I looked at her in shock.

"Your quirk is quite interesting," I said, hoping that my normally monotone voice showed my interest. [Y/N] smiled at me,

"Thanks, Todoroki, means a lot coming from you," she said. I smiled to myself and finished packing before laying back onto the bed. [Y/N] was already done and had snuggled herself into her blankets, her head poking out slightly. Cute! I thought as a faint blush covered my cheeks. Being around this girl only made my crush grow. I groaned and covered my face with a pillow.

"You okay there Todoroki?" She asked as she reached for the TV remote. I nodded and watched as she flipped through channels. Eventually, she deemed none of the shows interesting enough to watch and shut off the TV. She turned over, it was now 11:00. She looked over at me,

"So Todorki, tell me about yourself, let's talk about something," she said, I looked at the ceiling, thinking about what I could say,

"I'm not that interesting a person," I said,

"I don't think that's true at all," she said, her eyes gazing at me with curiosity, I coughed into my hand to hide my blush,

"Well, I really like soba..." and with that, we talked for about an hour about different types of soba and noodles, we also had a friendly debate on whether cold soba or warm soba was better. Before I knew it, it was 12:00.

"We should go to bed now Todoroki, we want to get at least some sleep before going to Hosu tomorrow." She yawned as she turned off the light. Sadly, my mind was racing with incoherent thoughts of the girl laying in the bed not far from mine. Something about her just intrigued me. Maybe it was her extreme talent. Her interesting quirk paired with her insane combat skills that led her to be a formidable opponent. Or maybe it was the ease with how she can adapt to a situation and the ease in which she can talk to other people with completely different personalities. Or maybe it was how she was able to talk with me for an hour straight about soba with me that just made me... made me fall for her? {or maybe it's maybelline} For a while, I contemplated these thoughts until sleep finally won me over.

 made me fall for her? {or maybe it's maybelline} For a while, I contemplated these thoughts until sleep finally won me over

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[Visual representation of Todoroki's spontaneous combustion]

Author's Note:

Sry for the short update, I wrote this last night so there may be some spelling mistakes :( The next chapter should be fun though :)

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