Chapter 26

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"Hello?" I answered the phone in a whisper in an attempt to not wake up Midoriya, who was still wrapped tightly around me. There was no answer on the other end of the phone. "Hello?" I repeated. This time, I heard light breathing on the other end.

"Leo?" I said, my voice rising as it threatened to break. "Leo, is this you?" Still no response, "Please, if it's you, say something, let me know you're really alive." I said as tears started falling. Another moment of silence,

"It's me, [y/n]," I heard his voice and my chest heaved and both relief and fear crashed through me.

"Leo," I cried, "What happened to you?" My voice cracked slightly and Midoriya stirred in my arms.

"[Y/n]?" he muttered as he rubbed his eyes, "Are you talking to someone?"

"Yeah, do you mind letting me go for a sec?" I asked softly, he nodded and he grip on my loosened. I detangled myself from him and stood up from the hospital bed, wincing slightly as my back flared up with pain. I hobbled into the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

"Leo? You still there?" I asked hesitantly into the phone,

"Yeah," came the whispered reply, "who was that?" the whisper dropped into a growl and a shiver ran down my spine.

"No one," I responded immediately. The silence on the other end was suffocating as my heart started to thump heavily.

"It's that Midoriya kid that Tomura was talking about... right?" he asked, a dangerous edge in his tone. I remained silent and Leo sighed, "Fine, I just wanted to talk to you and see if you were okay."

"I'm alright," I said, trying to find a way to steer this conversation.

"You know, Tomura escaped, he's back here with me now."

"Wait, what?" I exclaimed,

"Oh, did your dad not tell you that?" he said, spitting the word dad out like a curse.

"Leo, what happened to you?" I asked, changing the subject, "I thought you were dead."

"No, that's what your dad told you," he snapped,

"Leo, I saw your body... I could never forget that" I said, my voice dropping into a whisper,

"No! THOSE ARE LIES!" Leo suddenly yelled, "LIES THAT HAVE BEEN FED TO YOU!"


"You were taken from me... by that hero you call a father. He's the one responsible for the death of your parents, he lied to you and told you I died. I was left to die out there, but... but he saved me, he saved me and raised me as his own. He told me the truth about what happened that night. It's time you heard it too."

"Leo!" I recognized Shigaraki's voice in the background, "You're going over the minute limit. End the call."

"Sorry [n/n], but I have to go right now. Please stay safe and don't trust those classmates of yours. I'll be seeing you soon."

The line went dead and I sunk to the floor, my back against the door. I placed my head in my hands as I began to hyperventilate.

End of Flashback:

[Y/N]'s POV:

"[Y/N]...[Y/N]!" Mina waved her hand in front of my face, "Earth to [Y/N], you there?" I blinked,

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