Chapter 31

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Let's talk about depression...

So as you know, [y/n] in this book does have depression and she was treated (it went into remission and now it's back). I realized that I had written about her depression heavily early on in the book, yet sort of neglected this part of her later on. This is extremely inaccurate and a bad representation of depression, so I sincerely apologize.

Depression isn't something that simply goes away, especially with the severe depression [y/n] was going through at the beginning of the book. It is something that requires a lot of work and effort in order to overcome and live with. So I wanted to apologize for this and inform you guys that I hope to write with more awareness and accuracy in the future.

In the last chapter, I had already started to write subtly about her depression, with her being tired and exhausted for no apparent reason and just being uninterested in everything. I wrote [y/n]'s depression somewhat modeled after my own, as I will for the continuation of the book. (Don't get me wrong my depression isn't nearly as severe, I do not self-harm and I am not suicidal.)

I'm really sorry and I will try and improve my writing. Thank you for those who read all of that ^^^

Now back to the story...

[y/n]'s POV:

I sighed heavily as we entered the locker rooms. After not even eating that much, I felt so bloated and fat. I groaned in frustration as I started to take off some of my clothes. The other girls chattered and were cheerily talking to one another until Mina broke away from the group and approached me.

"Hey [y/n]," she said. I looked up from the shirt I was fiddling with,

"Hey, what's up?" I answered.

"Not much," she started before letting out a sigh and leaning against the locker next to me, "but something is clearly up with you. You've been acting weird all day. I mean on the bus you seemed perfectly fine with Denki and then when we got off at the rest stop something changed," I raised an eyebrow, surprised at observative Mina actually was, "and then at dinner you barely ate anything. So I was just wondering if everything was alright with you?"

"Wow..." I breathed, "uh, yeah I guess. I'm just tired."

I'm tired of dealing with all the drama. I'm tired of having to be physically active. I'm tired of being interrogated for every single thing I do. I'm tired of the expectations my father and everyone here has for me. I'm tired of pretending to be happy. I'm tired of not actually being okay. I'm tired of having no motivation or inspiration to do the things that used to make me happy. I'm tired of existing. I'm just tired of everything.

"Oh, okay," Mina said before pushing off the locker and went back to the group of the chattering girls. I sighed before wrapping a towel around myself and slipping off my bottoms. I wasn't really comfortable being completely naked around the other girls but I didn't have much choice in this situation. I guess I'll just slip in the water as quickly as possible.

I followed the girls as we walked out of the locker room. As Mina excitedly threw off her towel and ran into the water, the other girls quick to follow, I cautiously stepped to the edge before slipping out of my towel and slinking into the water, completely submerging myself up to my neck.

I closed my eyes and let out a heavy sigh as I tried to tune out the incessant chatter of the girls, as well as the boys on the other side of the wall.

Midoriya's POV:

As we relaxed in the hot springs, I glanced over at Mineta who was muttering at the large wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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