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Kinda cried alittle when writing... Play song after dots.

"Okay so we really don't have anywhere for you to sleep..so is it okay If you room with Sam"?
Sammy smirked and winked.
"Definitely". I smiled. He laughed as well did the guys.

"Just be safe" Matthew said. I felt like he was my older brother figure, kind of like Darrel.
He would always hold me and comfort me, as he would do the same to Stacy. He was the older brother to us.

Now I know why JJ looks so familiar, Darrel and JJ are twins. Duh.


I miss Evan, and I think about him everyday. I started getting really upset, because I've known him all of my life and I wanted to see him one last time.

Interrupted by my thoughts, my face was now wet. I was crying. Great. I don't cry a lot, but ever since I've been separated from my favorite people in the world, and realized how bad my life is.....I've kinda givin up on it.

"Hey Lex" said Sammy.
(A/N: this is really awkward cause I have a friend named Sammy who is a girl 😂)

"You okay there? You can always talk to m-"
Before he could finish his sentence, I was already locked around his neck, hugging him.

His voice got really sad, "Honey, what's wrong?".
It was getting hard to speak because I was just nonstop crying, and it was getting hard to breathe. I heard footsteps and next thing you know, Matt is in the same room.

"What did you do"!? Matt yelled.
"Nothing! God! She was upset and I'm not sure why, now please, leave so I can talk to her!" Sammy yelled.

I jumped when he put his hands on my waist, to sit me up on the table.

"Explain to me why you are crying, please. I hate seeing this side of any one" he said simply.

"W-well....I was abandoned when I was one, and left on the streets. Same with my friend Evan. And I miss E-Evan so much. I actually liked him ever since I was like 10, and It's so hard not seeing the people you love, the people who you have known forever, you know? Darrel, Jjs twin, has always been there for me, he's been a brother to Stacy and I. Look at me! I'm crying over people, who you barely know. It's so hard to even talk about this. I've held so much in for years after years after years and I can't take it anymore! I LOVE EVAN PETERS! OKAY! And ever since I met him, I've thought of him as my best friend and I LOVE HIM! But I can't anymore, because I'll never see him again. I don't even get why you guys covered for me, or took me back here! No one likes me, no one has ever liked me. I'm gonna admit this right now! IVE CUT, IVE PURGED, IVE DONE EVERYTHING TO TRY TO DIE BUT NOTHING F++KING WORKS!" I said crying harder than ever before.

(A/n: if someone could message me on how to put characters That'd be great! cause evan is evan peters.)

That's when it started. I was coughing and I was soaking up my own shirt.

Sammy was even getting tears in his eyes...which made me upset.

Now Sammy was crying. I heard the door open and all of the boys came rushing in. They saw me sitting on Sammy, facing him, with my arms around his neck and my head over his shoulder.

"I just wanna die...."

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