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I woke up in another unfamiliar room with a boy next to me, his arm around me, and my head on his chest. Who is this?

I slowly got up and realized it was Jack Gilinsky.
I kinda liked him but I'm not really sure. I kinda like Hayes, and sorta everyone except Shawn and Matt. I think of then more on the best friends side, same with JJ.

"Hey lexi" he said.
"Hello" I replied moving a little bit.
"We have some news to tell you in alittle bit..but first lets gets something to eat" he said.

I tried to get up but he stopped me.
"Wait a minute Sweetheart" he laughed.
"What?" I said.
"Can I have a hug?" he laughed.
"Sure" I laughed really hard.

I felt him breath my hair then I started thinking that I could get used to this, but the question is, how long am I supposed to stay here?

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