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I heard someone come in the room but couldn't tell who cause I was partially sleeping. Sammy was taking forever.

I didn't bother to even turn over.

"Hey sweetie" Cameron kneeled down near my face. He was 20 at this time.
"Just letting you know that all of the guys have some exciting news for you. See you tomorrow morning!" he said then kissed my forehead. "G'night".


I woke up smelling the scent of Bacon and Eggs. And I was in an unfamiliar room. It had the Florida Gators logos everywhere, and it had lacrosse signs and posters too. This must be Hayes room.

I also realized I was sleeping right next to him..this whole night, and he's right there. Why am I in here?

"Hello beautiful"
"That's not true."
"Shut up. It is" he laughed and did I.
"How did I get here?" I asked worried.
"Well Mr.BigShot here got drunk last night." Hayes laughed. And I laughed too.

We both walked down stairs.
"Ew!" Carter said.
"You've been wearing those clothes for a couple days..."
"Not like I got stuff to wear Ching Wong. I've worn these clothes my whole life. Other wise, I would have stolen more. So stfu." I said.

Sammy came over to me and patted his lap.
"You are so feisty Lexi" he whispered.

"Do you guys have a shower...?" I asked.
"Sammy can I use yours if so, and I would like to talk to you privately from these guys" I whispered.

We both walked upstairs and locked the door to his room since his bathroom was in here.

"1. where do you keep your blades? 2.can you stay here? I'm really paranoid." I asked.

He replied, "1. no. you have to try to stop. and 2, of course." he said. I sighed.

I stopped before heading off into the bathroom.
"Let's make a deal wilk. If you agree to stop cutting, then I will too, and I won't tell anyone you cut" I said.

"Deal." he smiled. "But do you think we can both cut one last time...."?

"It's not a good idea but I kinda want to. I found this poem and I think we should both read it." I whispered.

"Okay" he said

(Check side bar)

"Alexis...." he said nervously.
"I wrote that poem...in 5th grade...how did
you find it?"

"It was on the internet...but anyways..lets just not okay?" I said patting his shoulder.

*********long chapter Ik lol*********

"Oh my stomachs tied in knots
I'm afraid of what I'll find
If you and I talk tonight...." I sang.

"See the problem isn't you...
It's me, I know.
I do this every single...." I sang a little quieter.

"Oh I get SOO afraid.....oh oh no,
I can't live with out you now...oh oh oh,
I can't even live with my self, oh oh oh" I finished. (stomach tied in knots-SWS😍)

"Beautiful voice" Shawn clapped.
"I consider it more of a dying dog but okay?" I laughed.

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