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💯Still Evs POV haha 💯

"ESPINOSA!" Matt shouted.

"Yeah...problem?" I said rudely.

"THATS MY LAST NAME! I never knew I had a sister. OMG this is AHHHH" he screamed.

"MATT WHATS GOING ON" Lexi came running over.
God, she looked fine as usual. 😏

She looked at me, and then looked again.

"Woah." she said.
"impossible" she said again.

"EVAN!" she screamed jumping into my arms. She was crying and hugging me, while her legs were around my waist, and her arms around my neck.

"I missed you so much" I whispered into her ear.

"I kissed you way more." she said. "MISSED MISSED I MENT MISSED" she mentally slapped herself.

"Well....i kinda wanna kiss you..." I smirked.

Her smile was just like Matthews, very big when she got excited. For example, her face right now.

"DO IT!" Shawn yelled laughing.

Our lips were centimeters away..almost brushing. We both had never kissed anyone.

Our lips were brushing at this point and we both went in for it. Lips moving in sync, like they were made for each other.

She jumped off me and ran to Shawn. She started running around screaming.

She went back to me and jumped into my arms, kissing me again but with more passion.

"I love you so damn much" she laughed.

"I love you way more" I laughed back.


This was by far the best day of Lex's life, and I could see it in her eyes.

She had her first kiss by the guy she liked, and got adopted, and now we gotta tell her that she's related to Matthew. This day is going way better than I planned.

Better start learning about how to parent this girl. I'm sure I can put up with her. (:

Aweeeeee best chapter ever!!

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