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Hayes girlfriend had killed herself. Jake was this kid who had something on her forever and told everyone.

Apparently is was pretty bad.


Today was the day I was meeting Dylan! And I couldn't be more happy.

I put on a simple outfit which consisted of just some jeans and a tshirt. After that I went downstairs and was stopped by the boys.

"No no. You're wearing that? To meet Dylan? No honey! Let's go put you in something hot." Matthew laughed.

And pulled me back up stairs and gave me a black mini skirt, a white flowly top to tuck in, and a tan sweater that covered my butt. Along with a pair of black combat boots.

It actually looked good. I won't lie about that.
He then told me to curl the tips of my hair, and then he did my makeup. And damn, he actually did really well.

"Beautiful" he said. I smiled at him. "Now lets go before you're late".

We ran down stairs and hoped into the car. And we drove to his house for the New Years Party.


Dylan's POV

Tonight was gonna be a big night. We have all the O2l guys and Magcon here and a little bit of digitour.

Apparently Shawn has a daughter who is smoking hot, according to Nash. So I'm gonna take his word for it, cause he is ALWAYS right.

We were all talking around the coffee table in the living room. There was still tons more people coming. Matthew and Alexis were gonna be here any second.

+ding dong+

"I GOT IT GUYZ" I yelled laughing.

I ran to the door and opened it.

Mother of God....

"Hey.." She said with her head down and biting her lip a little bit. "Nice to meet you.." she smiled.

"Nice to meet you too darling" I smiled back.

She was gorgeous. Her hair especially. And her smile. OH. I'm in pain.

"You guys like? We dyed her hair blonde, and I picked out the outfit" Matt said all proud.

"I sure love it" I giggled. She looked down and blushed.

Tonight will be a good night..

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