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When cameron and I walked in, I knew it was gonna be one messed up night. I smelt beer, I felt it, and I could see people already getting overly intoxicated. It was weird.

I may have lived on the streets but i have never seen so many drunk people in my life in one room.

cameron immediatly left me and i was ditched. I sat on the couch as i saw people falling over and making out and just ew is all i can say. I tried to look around and find someone to my aid, but all i saw was drunk taylor and jackjohnson and even cameron was out.

Hayes walked over to me, and i finally felt releaved. I saw someone who wasnt actually drunk. Im surprised Hayes was even aloud to come here.

"Hey" he said to me with a smile.

"Hey, so, can we get out of here? Or go upstairs? I have no idea when Shawn will be back, and he will kill me and cameron if he found out i was here." i said worriedly.

"Dude, you will be fine". Hayes said petting my shoulder.stairs

We both walked upstairs and found jacks old room. We called up a taxi so we could both get home. Nash was also drunk. So we had no chance of getting home. Shawn was for sure to jill cameron and me at this point. I just hoped we would make it back before him.

About 20 minutes passed and this damn taxi hadnt shown. So we had decided to walk to our houses but we just walked to mine. Just incase Shawn would get mad.

I really hope he isnt mad....that would just be a huge rage fit. Ive only seen him mad maybe once or twice and it wasnt pretty. So i should stick to the plan and get home quickly.

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