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"How about we go grab some food? On me" he smiled.

"I don't have money anyways" I laughed and he did too.

We walked down the steps and me being to person I am, I fell and rolled down them. oops.

"You okay?" Shawn asked rushing to me. hahah.
"Dude, it's all good" I laughed.

"WAIT!" All the boys screamed. "Come to the table we have some news." Taylor smirked.
Oh god.

"I'm here. What." I said patiently.

"Never mind...We will tell you when you get back! Have fun!" Taylor said. "Don't I get a hug or something"? he stood there tapping his foot. I smiled and hugged him.

It was kinda weird actually. I really have never hugged a lot of people, never kissed ANY one, and for sure have not had a boyfriend.



"Guys...I forgot one thing about this whole adoption thing" I said.

"What?" Sammy asked.

"Well, we need a father. Like who wants to be her father?" I said awkwardly.

"I would...but I like her...." Sammy said.
"I would but I'm too young" Hayes laughed.
"How about Shawn!?" I suggested. After all he is 20 like Cameron.
(in the book. stfu)

"That's perfect! But I think we should ask Shawn and if he isn't okay with it, then we will pick some one else. But knowing Shawn, he will say yes." JJ said.


✨✨✨✨SHAWNS POV ✨✨✨✨✨

"But it's not possible!" she laughed.
"It's possible to stick your fist in your mouth" I said.
"NO ITS NOT!" She laughed, basically crying.

Just then I got a text from Taylor.

"Hey, We want you and Al to come back pretty soon! We have to talk. We will let Alexis do her own thing, probably occupy her with Gilinsky or something. They have a connection LOL. but year hurry up" he texted.

"Alright. We gotta head back." I said.

She got up and threw away her trash, then walked to the car with me.
No, I didn't like her and No, she didn't like me. We have a best friend bond.

We had about a 20 minute drive home so she decided to sleep.

"G'night Shawny Kinz" she laughed.

"Night Lexiiiiiii" I laughed.

Then she was out like a light.

Sadly, we got home and she was still sleeping. So I picked her up out of the car, in my arms, and walked her in the house.

All the boys looked at me and went,
"Future son and daughter moments!" I heard someone say. what?

"Gilinsky, take her." I said.
It's not like a didn't want her, but we needed to start talking about whatever it was.

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