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Alexis POV**

wow wow. Jordan was a piece of work I tell you. But Dylan didn't seem to mind.

I was doing okay until I started falling asleep, because I didn't know if we were staying here or not.

"dyl" I poked him.

"yes" he smiled.

"are we staying or going? cause I'm falling asleep" I laid back down.

"we will stay" he said.



"well hello to you too" taylor laughed.

it smelt like beer, it tasted like beer, and it looks like beer. The whole house was gross right now.

I walked around after greeting Colin and saw a pretty girl looking at me. She has brown/red hair and looked to be about Alexis height.

I waved at her and she when in fan girl mode. She must know I'm cameron dallas.

"can you sign this for me please holy Jesus omg" she cried.. 😂

"yeah sure, baby girl". I smirked. I signed her phone case and took a picture with her.

I walked away and find the beer pong table. Oh. this is gonna be a good night.

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