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❤️jacks pov❤️

I woke up with Lexi next to me sound asleep. She was cute.

I should probably call Shawn to make sure everything is all good. Knowing shawn he will probably get worried.

I grabbed my phone and called him up.

"Everything okay?" He answered.

"It's going great. Just wanted to call you, make sure it's all good with us over here. We should be back around 1 and then I think we should let her bond with Matt or You." I said.

"Alright" he said with pep. He hung up and I set my phone back on the table. I glanced at Lex, she was passed out.

"Heyy....Lexi. Wake up baby" I said with a really low voice. Like a whisper.

She moved alittle bit and then opened her eyes. She gave me a smile then glung back onto me.

"It's time to wake up Lexi" I said.

"No" she groaned. I laughed as her head was on my chest.

"You're gonna hang out with your brother today. That'll be fun!" I said happily.

She groaned.

"Fine" she said and got up

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