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Btw, to make me update. Vote. Cause I won't update ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


All the guys came in. I didn't see them though, I was still under the bed hiding with my eyes shut.

At one moment I was scared then I was happy and then I thought it was funny. I was just having tons of mixed emotions. And I have no idea how I was actually feeling.

I heard doors being opened, and soon mine. I looked to see the shoes. I could tell they were Matthews.

I love that I found out that he's my brother. It's like a miracle. Honestly though.

Then I saw Sammys and Shawns. And I was now crying with happiness.

They pulled me out from under the bed and I sat on Sammy's lap. He hugged me tightly. My cheek was still red from when cameron slapped me..3 times.

But I kinda asked for it.


Shawn had finally had enough of cameron. I saw him look at me with puppy eyes, then he burst through the door, going some where down stairs.

Matthew also gave me a hug. I am really sensitive sometimes, it's really weird. It's only sometimes.


They left me upstairs and told Nash to watch me. I didn't mind Nash. He was an okay guy, and we were the same age.

Cameron also was not a problem anymore, they kicked him out. He lives with Jacob and Carter now. At Least I think. And I don't wanna think about it.

Nash had me in his lap as we were watching tv. We had on the fosters. (Best show ever omg).

He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"How about we go get you some clothes?" He suggested. I already had plenty. They bought me a ton.

"But I already have so much." I pleated.

"We are going later. Right now we can relax, maybe make out" he laughed. I laughed as well.

"Yeah okay Nash" I laughed.

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