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Still nash*

"So do you think you know who you want to room with? Cause the guys are being very stupid and not giving up their rooms. So you can pick anyone" I smiled.

We gave her til midnight to decide. It could be permanent or just for a few months depending on how it goes.

It was now 11:58 and she still didn't know. But It his a hard decision cause there is
-and sammy.

You could see she was getting stressed out and frustrated over this little decision.

"Relax Baby, You still have 3 minutes" Sammy said patting her knee.

"Remember, it's your choice, so don't feel like you NEED to be with your dad or your brother okay?" Taylor said.

She kept on thinking and now she had 1 minute left.

And now none.

"So what is it gonna be"? Shawn smiled.

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