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I was getting ready for tonight when Taylor walked in.

"Hello beautiful" he smiled.

"Hello." I smiled back.

"What are you lookin so good for?" he smirked and then winked.

"Jack is taking me out to a movie. And I have no idea what to wear or what to do" I said making hand motions.

He laughed and replied, "Just take it slow. Wear your hair in a ponytail, maybe so skinny jeans and a baggy sweater or something. Just be totally laid back".

I nodded. "I don't know what id do which out you Taylor" I laughed.


It was now time for Jack to take me to the movies. I took Taylor's advice and wore a pony tail, little bit of mascara, a white sweatshirt that said "CALIFORNIA", and some dark skinny jeans with black convers.

And if you were wondering, yes, i did go on a shopping spree.

"Knock knock", I heard Jacks voice.

"Heyy" I said.

"You look stunning" he smiled.

"Thank you" I blushed.

We both went down stairs, then Shawn stopped me. He gave me a hug and said.
"Be safe! You know to call me if anything goes wrong. Love you".

"Love you too." I said.

We both ran out the door, as I heard laughs from Taylor, Shawn, and Matt.

He opened my door for me and I thanked him.

"So what movie?"

"I was thinking 22 Jump Street" he smirked.

"Same here" I laughed.

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