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😭😭😭YOUR POV😥😥😥

I had finally calmed down but was still crying, I heard a few sniffles throughout the room, mostly from Sammy. I don't know why he would be crying.

"I'm s-sorry" I said while taking a huge breath. They all came over to me and stood in front of me. Sammy spun me around to face them.

"Honey, You are so special" Nash said.
"We all want you here" JJ smiled.
"Screw the haters man" Taylor laughed.
"We can get Evan to talk to you" Aaron said.
"But no more blades..."Cameron seriously said.
"no more purging" Jacob said pointing his finger at me.
"Because we all love you" Matthew hugged me.

I stared at them, and they were all smiling. I remember what it was like to smile.

"Don't say that" Sammy said petting my hair.
Oops, I said that out loud.

Sammy turned me back to him and I faintly smiled.
"Alright guys, get out, I have to speak with Alexis." he said.

They all went out of the room but Matt stayed back for a moment. He kissed my forehead and said, "You mean so much to us".
I don't get why...i just met them.


"Hello there Lexi" he smirked.
"Hello there Sam" I laughed.
"I love your laugh"
"It sounds like a hyena but okay"
"Can I seriously talk to you....its something I never told anyone..."
"Of course Sammy."
"I..um..you see..I cut my thighs" he said putting his head down.

"Why is that honey?" I said.

"Because..., but I always wanted to know what it felt like to cut on your wrist...do you cut there?" he replied.

"Well actually no..I do it on my thighs too. Do you still do it?" I asked him.

"No...Im 3 months clean" he smiled.
"Oh", Is all I could say.

"How many months clean are you?" he asked.
"3 days.." I replied.


"DINNER IS SERVED" Taylor yelled.
I didn't want to leave the warm bed that belonged to Sammy.

"I'll go get it, then we can eat up here" he said.
Was he reading my mind?!
"Yes" he winked.
I laughed and he went down stairs.

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