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I walked a little closer to the house, and knocked on the door.

Another guy with a coffee mug answered, and he had blonde hair like myself.

"Can I help you dude?" He said.

"Yeah...is um Lexi here?" I asked nervously.

His eyes went out of his house and his face broke into a smile.

"Are you Evan?" he smiled even bigger.

"How do you know my name?" I asked scared.

"Lex talks all about you. She misses you...and she really likes you" he nodded.

I smiled to myself. I didn't know she liked me. She's only been gone a week so I guess I didn't know she would've of.

"Who was she saying I love you to?" I asked, a little bit angry.

"Her father. " he laughed.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Shawn, " he pointed to the guy, "is adopting her. Her new name is Alexis Mendes." the guy smiled again. "Do you know her real last name?" he asked me.

"I know everything about her" I said confidently. "name?"

"Matt", he shook my hand.

"Her last name is Espinosa." I said.
Little did I know, that sentence just changed mine and Alexis life.

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