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"I think I'll pick...Sammy" I said.

He then got the biggest smile on his face. And ran over to me and hugged me.

He picked me up and kissed my cheek which felt kinda weird, but it was alright.

The rest of the guys laughed and Sammy toke me up into his room. It was dark blue.

"You can sleep in the bed tonight, since we don't have one yet for you, I'll sleep on the floor." he smiled. god these guys love smiling.

"Why can't you sleep up here?" I said pointing to the bed.

He sighed. "The guys might get the idea that we are some sort of item...I mean I know I like you and you like me, but I don't want them finding out yet."

"So what? Let's just lock the door" I said. He nodded and said "Okay little lady".

He's only a year older than me, but my birthday is like in 2 days and Evans knows that. We celebrate every year by going to Steak N' Shake. We gather up enough money to at least.

I was still sitting on the bed, bored. Sammy was typing away on his computer but I didn't know who, probably for Digi Tour or something.

"What-cha doing" I said.
"Magcon work and stuff like that, you okay? You need anything?" He said concerned.

"No...i'm just sorta bored that's all. I'll be back, I'm gonna go to Sha- Dads room real quick" I said getting off the bed.

"Okay I'll be here if you need anything Darlin'. " he said. Sammy was honestly a really sweet guy.


"Hey dad" I said walking into his room.

"Heyyy" he said hugging me. "you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm just really bored" I sighed.

"I have a little bit of work right now, okay, I'm sorry honey, how about you go play a game with Taylor!" he suggested.
(A/N: I know how Shawn says honey, because I met him and he called me honey. hahahahahhaaha I love life)

"Okay." I said.

"Don't do anything stupid." he laughed, and then kissed my forehead.

I walked out of his room and went to go look for Taylor. I just went to his room, but when I opened the door, he was asleep. I didn't want to wake him, so I went down stairs.

I sat on the couch and then JJ came around.

"Hey alexis!" he said hugging me.

"Hi JJ!" I smiled. "Can we go do something fun? Everyone Is busy and I'm so bored." I said.

"Yeah sure! Lets go play truth or dare in my room!" he said like a little girl

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