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I hopped off of Nash, he had the cheesiest smile there could be.

"Don't tell anyone!" I said.
"Promise" he said smiling.

I opened the door and Cameron walked in.

"CAMMMMM" I said jumping on him. He started laughing. He carried me to Sammy's room, and he was STILL working. It's already 1.

I thanked Cam and stared at Sammy. Ugh this boy. I thought of getting him a little up and going.

"I'm gonna go make out with Gilinsky, Bye" I said walking out the door. Nothing. I was kidding, I really like Jack like alotttt.

I knocked on his door and walked in. No one.
Then a pair of arms wrapped around me waist.


A/n: assume when I say jack it's always gonna be gilinsky. Jj will always be Jack Johnson.

"Hello there" he said with a raspy voice.

"Hello" I said smiling.

"So I was wondering if we could go do something later, maybe like a movie or just hang out, if you don't wa-" I cut him off.

"I would love too!" I said hugging him. Who needs Sammy anyways?

I like Jack.
I kissed Nash.
And sleep with Sammy?

Woah...i feel like a whore.

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