The Lodge

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Claire stood still as she looked at the tall brick building that was right in front of her. There were steps leading up to the door, with windows on either side. Above the door was a sign that read, "The Newsboys Lodging House." "C'mon Claire," Specs said while gently taking her hand into his and started pulling her to the door. "Yer gonna like it here. Everyone is real nice. Wolf says there's always room in the pack for anudda kid!"

"Wolf?" Claire asked quietly as she let go of Specs' hand while stepping back a bit. She didn't like the sound of meeting someone named "Wolf!" was he called that because he's like - Claire didn't want to think about it.

"It's just a nickname kid," Race said brushing it off. "Like Specs said, everyone is real nice. I's sure they's gonna love ya."

"Ya really think so" she asked quietly with big eyes.

"Only one way ta find out," Specs shrugged. Claire smiled softly before walking into the Lodge with the three boys. As soon as she stepped inside Claire's eyes looked all around the foyer. The front desk was made of a dark brown wood that was a little worn out. Behind it there was a book shelf and next to that was a door. There was a older man writing away in a book who Claire guessed probably owned the place. On the left of the desk was a stair case leading up. The floor was wooden and the walls had a beige color too it. The lights set off a warm glow, making it feel a bit homey. Claire walked around while looking at everything. She saw there were a few pictures on the walls. Along with some tiny dents here and there.

"Heya Kloppman," Jack said happily as he walked up to the desk.

"Well, look who finally came home," Kloppman said to the young boy with a smile. That's when he caught sight of a dark haired girl looking around the place while Race and Specs followed behind her at a short distance. "Who's the girl?" he asked gesturing to her.

"Yeah bout that," Jack said. Hopefully this would go as planned. If not then...well, Jack would think of something. "Hey Claire." The girl - Claire - jumped at the sound of her name as she turned around. There was a slight fear in her eyes as if she had done something wrong "Can ya c'mere?" Jack asked in a soothing tone.

"It's ok Claire, Klopp here is real nice," Specs said quietly. "Wouldn't hurt a fly. Right Klopp?"

"That's right," Kloppman replied with a small nod of the head. Claire took a deep breath before slowly walked over to the desk with her head down. "Hello," Kloppman said with a warm smile.

"Hi," Claire whispered very quietly. Her voice was so quiet it was barely audible. Kloppman only smiled softly at Claire as he looked her over. Her dress was almost torn to shreds, she was covered in dirt, a few bruises and scratches here and there. Her hair was practically falling out of the braids she was wearing, and she was a bit on the small side. And not in height.

"She got no where ta go Klopp," Jack said. "Some scab was beatin' 'er up, an' we's couldn't leave 'er ta the streets. A goil 'er size wouldn't make it out there. So, can she stay?"

you know how if a dog follows a kid home from the street and the kid asks their parents if they can keep it? That's how Jack, Race and Specs looked right now, and apparently Claire was the little puppy they wanted to keep. Only of course Claire is a human and not an animal.

Kloppmann thought for a moment. In the long years of running the Lodge, after encountering kids who came from abusive homes, drunks, runaways, orphans, and just about everything else in between. Never in all his years of running the Lodge has any of the boys, ever, brought back a girl before. It was an unusual sight for a girl to be a newsie. Much less one living there. But, that's when he noticed the small girl stood still, her little dark chocolate eyes were full of fear. Which had to make Kloppman wonder what in the world has this girl has been through. "She can stay," Kloppman said with a warm smile.

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