Selling Spots

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"Oh c'mon Meyers, what are ya, scared?" Feister asked with a little groan.

"Scared? In yer dreams Feisty," Mush scoffed. "But...I's don't think we's should do it just yet..." he added with a mumble.

"Yer overthinkin'! We's old enough ta start sellin' on our own. Most of the other boys have their own spots. An' Racer gets ta go all the way ta Brooklyn when he wants ta! I's don't see the harm in askin' when we's can go searchin' for our own spot. We's old enough ta handle ourselves."

For about a month or so Feister's been trying to convince him that they were ready to start selling on their own now. Mush of course was a little iffy on the whole idea. He liked selling with Wolf and Jumps in the little park by the tree. But knowing Feister and her relentless soul was ready for something new. Even if he's said he was fine with the way things were at the moment, she wouldn't give up until he finally relented. Which he wasn't going to do.

"Why can't ya go off on yer own since ya love the idea so much," Mush asked.

"Cause Wolf an' Jumps won't let me do somethin' like this on my own since I's apparently have a way for findin' trouble," Feister replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Sides, don't we's got enough trainin'?" she asked. The whole point they sold with the two leaders was to get enough experience so they could eventually start working on their own. Feister loves spending time with Wolf and Jumps, she really did, but she also thought it was time for a little change of pace. Which is hard to believe since change is her number one enemy. "C'mon Mushy, we's been stuck in the same spot for nearly three years, we's more than ready for this."

Before Mush could answer there were shouts of how the headline was being put up. He looked over to the giant chalkboard, but he didn't pay any attention to what he read before turning back to the news girl standing in front of him. "If you'se wanna venture off ta find a new spot then do it yourself, I's fine with the one I's got now."

"If that's what ya want then fine! I's can sell my papes in half the time I's usually do with yer sorry butt slowin' me down!" and with that being said Feister went and got her papers before storming out of the Distribution center. However, before she left she turned around and yelled, "I'll show ya Meyers! Mark my words I's can sell circles round yer head that's full of mush!" and then she left the center full of confused newsies.

There was a long silence before Wolf finally spoke. "Jacky, remember how I's told ya that whatever happens she's yer problem along with Racer an' Specs' when she first came here? One of ya bummers go make sure she don't get 'erself killed...or...somethin'," clearly he was done with...whatever it was she was trying to prove this time. Not to say he didn't care or had zero clue on what was going on, because he most certainly did. And, Feister was right, she, and Mush were more than ready to venture out into the city for their own permanent spot. He just wasn't sure how to handle this situation with the two newsies given their completely different personalities. Long story short, Feister would jump building to building if she could, while Mush on the other hand would rather stay in the comfort of his bed. Yup, these two are definitely a handful, but they make a great team when they actually agree with each other.

With that being said and done, the newsies began to head out for another day's work. Mush trailed behind the rest of the group with hands stuffed deep in his pockets, muttering to himself about how it isn't his fault if Feister ends up in trouble because she had stormed off on her own. He never asked to be her selling partner, it's something that just happened out of no where. Ok, sure, they make a good team, but the point still stood. Out of all the boys who could've gotten stuck with that girl, it had to be him! "Ugh, goils," Mush grumbled as he kicked up a rock.

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