Scary Stories

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It had been raining for the past couple of days in Lower Manhattan, which meant there were barely any customers and the papers got soaked. So after the long and dreadful afternoon, a bunch of little boys and one girl were running a muck in the bunkroom, and the two leaders were at their wits end. It took awhile but they two boys managed to calm everyone down and hoped to find something to entertain their little spirits. But everyone was board of card games, checkers, chest and they weren't allowed to use darts just yet, so there wasn't much to do. That is until Albert suggested some scary stories seeing as there's a thunderstorm. The perfect night for such a thing.

"The last time you'se told a scary story Snipes wet his bed after someone -" Wolf glared at Race, who had the most innocent look imaginable. "- crawled out from under it." now, there were both pros and cons to a scary story before bed. On one hand, Wolf knew it would get everyone to sleep, but on the other hand, it could lead to a long night of nightmares, which mean sleep depriven newsies in the morning. It was already hard enough getting all the boys and one girl up and running, but if everyone stayed up all night, it would be a long day.

"I did not wet the bed!" Sniper exclaimed. But his red cheeks betrayed his words.

"They's the ones who want ta be scared babies for the night," Jumps said, which offended the room full of little newsboys. He then leaned closer to Wolf and whispered ever so quietly. "Unless ya got a better idea ta get 'em ta bed, let 'em be paranoid for the night."

Despite his better judgment, Wolf knew Jumps was right about getting a room full of little rowdy boys who don't know the meaning of getting a good night's rest, this was the only reasonable solution. The other one was to let them wear themselves out and be cranky in the morning, which was a whole other story. In the end, Wolf gave the ok and Albert was about to start, when all of a sudden the power went out and Elmer screamed, "We's gonna die! It's gonna get us! Tell my story!"

"I'm even younger," Buttons replied as he pulled his knees to his chest and started to rock back and forth in fear.

"I's didn't even started yet ya nitwits!" Albert exclaimed. "The stinkin' power went out...which gives the perfect spooky effect," he thought out loud.

"Well, we's in for a long night," Wolf mumbled to himself as he got up and went with Jumps to find some candles so they wouldn't be completely in the dark while Albert started the story.

"Well..ya see there's this goil who's bout nine, an' she has this lil rag doll 'er mudda made 'er outta scraps of fabric. An' she loved that doll, but one day while playin' in the park, it was lost-"

"This ain't scary," Jojo grumbled.

"Would ya shut yer pie hole, it's called settin' the scene," Albert said while glaring at Jojo, who shrugged and shifted in his seat a bit. "The goil lost 'er doll an' she was heartbroken-"

"Couldn't 'er mudda make anudda one?" Henry questioned.

"Anyways!" Albert shouted in annoyance. "The goil lived in a orphanage cause 'er folks died." after that no one interrupted and only listened as the tall tale went on. The boys and Feister were at the edge of their seats as Albert went on with the story. Every now and then a crack of thunder or lightning would clash in the sky, making the little newsies jump up. About halfway through some of the boys started to hug one another for comfort, while others put on a brave face. "So, if ya ever stumble across a rag doll on the street at night, you'se better make a run for it fore the ghost grabs ya!"

And with that, the lights turned back on and at that very same moment, a small white figure came out of nowhere. "It's the doll ghost!" Crutchie screamed. "Run for yer life!" needless to say the boys went into a mad panic, running this way and that way, while Wolf and Jumps tried to wrangle up the boys and calm them down since there was no such thing as ghosts.

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