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Rolling to the other side of the bed Feister let out a little groan as the morning light showed through the window. She knew Wolf would start yelling about getting up to sell the papers any minute now, so she was going to enjoy the last few moments of peace while she still could. With heavy eyelids Feister began to drift off to sleep once more. But, she awoke once again when she heard someone mumble her name. Barely lifting her head off the pillow she sleepily gazed around the bunkroom to see what kind of person would be up and running before the wake up call. She then pulled herself closer to the edge and looked down to see if Wisp happened to be the one calling her. Unfortunately for her, the older boy was snoring away, peaceful as can be.

She grumbled over the fact she just lost two extra minutes of sleep and began to get comfy once again. But, it was in that moment did she see a familiar face sleeping on the bottom bunk just across from her. At the sight of this it seemed to have woken her up, and without giving it much thought she carefully jumped to the ground and took a closer look before running all the way over to Jumps' bed and started to violently shake him awake.

"I's told ya fore Elmer. It's probably Albert messin' with ya again. Now back ta sleep. Mornin' bell ain't rung yet," Jumps mumbled as he rolled to the other side of the bed.

"Ok, so yer no help," Feister retorted. She could've kept trying to get the second in command to wake up, but seeing as she was an impatient little girl, she quickly gave up on getting answers from him and climbed to the upper bunk to see if she could get any answers from Wolf.

Eventually, the Manhattan leader gave in and finally woke up to see a little news girl hovering above him with eyes that were full of questions. "Ain't this a sight. You'se usually the last one up," he sleepily joked.

"Is he really back or is that a new kid, cause I's swear that ain't Jojo laying in bed!" Feister yelled. She caused some boys to grumble at her to shut it, but that was the least of her problems.

"Yeah, he's back kid," Wolf replied in a low tone with a half smile going across his face. "Brought 'im back with Jumps last night. Let 'im sleep in, alright? He needs all the rest he can get." He was grateful that last night was much easier than he had originally thought it was going to be. He was about to climb the Refuge gates with Jumps when a goon came out tugging some kid by the back of his shirt and tossed him to the empty street. Once the goon had walked back inside the two of them ran to where the kid laid. Now, call it luck or a miracle, but the kid that had gotten tossed out was Mush. Apparently what he was accused of doing wasn't that serious and only earned him roughly a week in there. After that, it all went down from there.

Wolf was a bit worried that Mush would've gotten a nightmare after his little visit, but the poor boy was so tired upon coming home that he could barely keep his eyes open when his wounds were being attended to. He wanted to stay by the kid's side last night, but Jumps convinced him that he, too, needed his sleep for what the next day would bring. And so far the new day brought a little news girl that needed closure on the recent events that went down. He didn't blame her of course. It was only natural for her to be reacting this way. In fact, he'd be worried if she didn't react the way she did.

"Why didn't ya wake me up when you'se came back?" she asked.

Wolf only smiled as he scooted over and patted the open spot for her to lay down. "It was late an' he was already weak enough as it is. So we's patched 'im up an' called it a night," he explained.

Reluctantly Feister laid down and got all comfy under the warm covers with a little sigh. She stayed quiet for a few moments before asking, The little news girl only nodded and snuggled deeper into the bed. She let her eyes close once more and simply laid there until it was time to start yet another day. "Mush will be ok now, right?" she mumbled with closed eyes.

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