The Fair

123 7 113

July 1893

"WOLF! JUMPS! RACER! ALBIE! SOMEBODY! ANYBODY! LISTEN TA THIS!" Feister yelled out as she trampled up the staircase and stumbled into the bunkroom, almost knocking over Mi - maybe it was Ike - no, no it was definitely Mike. Maybe? Almost knocking down one of the twins in the process.

"Woah, slow down there, where's the fire?" Albert joked with a chuckle.

Feister only glared at the older newsie and went on with her happy announcement. She pulled out a flyer from her paper bag and held it out for all the boys to read. But before she could say anything, Mush dragged himself into the bunkroom, red in the face and sweaty as he said, "For such a tiny goil, you'se sure are fast -" he groaned from  exhaustion. " - I'll just be on the floor." he collapsed and proceeded to kick off his boots and unbutton his shirt to try and cool off from the heat.

Ignoring her idiot friend Feister went on. "The fair's back in 'Hattan! Look! Look! Look!" she jumped up and down excitedly.

The boys only stared at the little news girl with the same question on their mind. Did Mush and Feister switch bodies? For in this situation Mush would be bouncing with excitement while Feister would be passed out on the wooden floor. But atlast, that wasn't the case.

"What? Ya never seen a goil excited fore?" she asked with an eye roll.

"Yes. But you'se ain't that kind of goil," Sniper pointed out before quickly ducking down to avoid the boot that was aimed at his head.

"I say we's ditch the papes an' go have a night of fun!" Race exclaimed as he punched the air with his fist and a little jump.

"I's pretty sure the fair don't need anudda clown Racer," Albert bluntly replied.

"Oh like yer a little ray of sunshine," the blonde boy retorted.

"Both of ya knock it off," Wolf interrupted before they had a chance to go at it. "We's go through this every year fellas. We's can't put off a whole day's work for the -" a bunch of "awws" and "boos" filled the air. The Manhattan leader put his hands up to silence the newsies so he could finish. "But, you'se all seem ta forget that if ya all mange ta finishin' sellin' the evein' papes then I's guess we's could have a little fun for a couple of hou-" he was cut off with a bunch of loud cheers. Wolf chuckled and shook his head at the newsies' excitement. There really wasn't harm in having a night out. With the large workload a newsie holds, there wasn't much time to have fun. Not that they never had fun of course! The newsies always had a good time with each other no matter what. This was just something extra special.

"Wish I's had a camera ta capture all their happy faces," Jumps said with a little sigh. He looked at each newsie, wanting this moment to forever be in his mind. He saw Race was giving Romeo a piggyback ride around the room. Finch, Henry and Jojo were stashing away a few coins for some sort of snack, or perhaps to play a few games if he had to guess. Feister plopped down next to Mush and kept poking him until he joined in on the fun. These crazy boys and girl were chaotic. But he wouldn't change anything even if he could.

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

"Alright everyone, ya know the rules, don't go runnin' off by yourself an'....they's gone," Wolf trailed off as the newsies all ran into different directions while yelling about. "Well, at least yer still here Jumps." his eyes flickered around, but to Wolf's surprise the second in command was nowhere in sight.

"He ran after Sniper an' Tommy," a little voice said. Making Wolf look down to see Feister was standing right next to him.

"An' where'd Mush go? Thought you'se be with 'im," Wolf replied with a smirk. He wasn't complaining of course. It was just odd to see the little news girl without her partner in crime.

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