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The morning chaos was just like every other day. Clothing and other small objects were being thrown around, Specs was walking around with only one shoe while looking for his glasses, which were on top of his head. But the boys found it funny not to tell the blind boy that. Race was showing Romeo how to tie his shoes. Albert took this moment to pocket the cigar and casually go about his morning until Race noticed. Finch and Sniper were in another heated slig-shot battle that Jumps had to stop before someone lost an eye. Wolf on the other hand was trying to bring the twins to a compromise on which shirt belonged to who.

Yup, it was the usual morning chaos alright, and it just seemed to get worse with every second that passed by. It seemed as if things weren't going to calm down until a loud scream filled the air that brought the boys to a halt, it didn't take very long until everyone was scrambling to Feister's room. "WHAT'S WRONG?!" they all screamed as they stumbled through the doorway, tripping over one another in the process.

"I's gonna die! Why didn't ya bummers tell me it was gonna hurt this much?! An' stop screamin' yer makin' my head spin!" she exclaimed.

"Dramatic much?" Jojo asked. Which of course Feister's reply was throwing her boot at him. Luckily Jojo moved out of the way just in time. And by that, I mean he hid behind Mush and whispered, "Go calm yer goil down."

"Ain't my goil," Mush grumbled, but went over to Feister to see what was getting her braids in a twist. "Alright Feisty, what's - " he paused for a moment as his eyes widened. "Why is there blood all over yer bed?! It looks like a murder happened in here!"

"Oh really Mush for brains? I's didn't notice!" Feister screamed back as she whacked his chest as hard as she could.

"Boys go finish getitn' ready, Jumps an' I's will take care of this," Wolf gulped. He knew this day would come, and thought about how he would handle the situation. But now that it was happening, he had no clue what to do. He didn't think being leader of Lower Manhattan would involve taking care of...girl problems. Well, so to speak he knew he'd probably be the one the boys would come to when they have a girl problem, it was more like he didn't think he'd have to deal with an actual girl with an actual girly problem. If that made any sense. But right now, nothing made sense.

The boys didn't think twice before running out of the room. For they had some knowledge on what was going on. Well, besides Romeo of course, who kept asking Race what was happening. To which the blonde boy had no answer too.

Once the boys were out of the room Wolf told Jumps to get a bucket of water, a lot of rags, and fresh bed sheets. The second in command sent a comforting smile to Feister before leaving the room. Taking a deep breath Wolf walked over to Feister, knelt down beside the bed and gently stroked her cheek as he asked, "How's yer stomach feelin'?"

"It hurts a lot," Feister replied quietly.

"Can ya stand up?" when she nodded Wolf took her by the hands and helped her off the bed. The little news girl stumbled a bit as she moved one of her hands to her stomach to ease the pain. She took a few steps, but had to stop when the cramping came up.

"Ok, I got the stuff!" Jumps announced as he came back into the room. He put the stuff down and handed a clean rag to Feister. "Here, yer gonna need this. Don't worry it's clean."

She slowly took the item in question and stared at it. Feister knew what she was supposed to use it for, but the idea gave her a weird feeling.

"We'll take care of the mess, you'se just get cleaned up, alright?" Wolf said as he gently rubbed her shoulder. Feister just nodded. She grabbed a pair of new trousers and quickly hurried to the bathroom. She didn't look at any of the boys, or even said a word. Everything suddenly felt so different now that...yeah she didn't want to think about it. So she went ahead and started to clean herself up.

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