Bedroom Chaos

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"Great job boys! Keep at it! We're almost done here," Kloppoman commended as the boys continued to move boxes from the bunkroom down to the basement. He would do it himself, but the joints aren't what they used to be. Plus, it was a part of spring cleaning, and it earned them a free night at the Lodge with the rotten headlines. Though, he did get some work done in moving boxes while the newsies were out selling, but it was mostly the lighter stuff that was practically weightless.

What was going on, you may ask? Well, seeing as Feister is now an eleven year old girl surrounded by a bunch of boys 24/7, Kloppman figured it was time she got her own space, separated from the boys. Need I say anymore? In all seriousness she's a growing girl that really did need privacy from everyone else. A little place she could call her own to get away from the chaos, or just to be alone if she wished. The reason Kloppman didn't do this sooner was to get her used to being around the boys. There wasn't much harm in doing this, as long as the public didn't find out, it would be alright. But, seeing as she's getting to that age, he figured it was the right time to set her apart from the rest of the boys. Though, the transition in doing so was a tough one seeing as she's stubborn.

"Still don't get why I's hafta move," Feister said as she held a little box in her arms. "What's wrong with where I's bunkin' now?"

"You're not moving Feisty, the boys will still be close by if you need somethin'," Kloppman reassured as he patted her head with a warm smile. "You'll understand why when you're older. Trust me on this, alright?" the old man sighed, knowing he couldn't fully explain what was happening. Smart as she is, she's a little too young to understand what was happening. But in time she'd realize this would all be for the best.

"It's cause I's a goil, ain't it," she mumbled before heading down the staircase.

"Least ya don't hafta listen ta Mush an' his snorin'' anymore," Kid Blink chuckled as he followed the little news girl down the steps.

"It ain't that loud!" Mush defended trailing behind the two.

"It's loud!" Blink and Feister replied.

Mush went on to say how his snoring isn't loud at all, when in fact he's actually one of the quieter boys when it comes to that. But of course, Feister shot that statement down and went ahead to explain all the times she's lost sleep because of his snoring. The two of them began to go at it once again, making Kid Blink feel like a third wheel of sorts. But, he was used to that at this point. The three of them continued to make their way down to the basement with boxes in hand, Mush and Feister going at it as they always did, while Blink was nonexistent to the two of them by now

"I's still don't get why yer complain'," Mush added. "Havin' yer own room an' all." for, he never really had his own room before coming to the newsies. As far as he could recall he's always shared a room with his sister...he began to wonder what she was up too right about now. If she was doing better ever since he left all those years ago. It's a thought that always seemed to come and go at the most random times since his mind was now occupied with other things. Like Feister for instance. The girl was always getting into some sort of trouble, and he was the one to get her out of it.

"Cause, it's weird, an' I's don't like it when things start ta change for no reason," Feister huffed as she placed the box down somewhere.

"Ta put it in simple terms, you'se gettin' older an' you'se gonna want space from these bummers," Jumps explained as he passed by the trio and headed back up the steps without another word.

For the rest of the afternoon, the boys continued to bring boxes down to the basement until all that was left in the soon to be room was an old nightstand and a chair. Next was to put together the bed frame that happened to be sitting in the basement for who knows how many years. It had broken a long time ago and needed some work, but with so many helping hands everything should be all set for that night. Though, getting the job done wouldn't be that easy with all the eager helpers. Kloppman instructed the boys what to do and reminded them to be careful when handling the nails. Wolf was put in charge of the project to make sure nothing got out of hand. He also saw this as an opportunity for the boys to work more on their handy skills if it was ever needed in the future. He wanted them to have enough skill sets to make it in life once they all out grew their time as a newsie.

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