Big Bad Brooklyn

222 9 63

July 1890

The sun was shining brightly, the day was hot with a clear blue sky. Since it was the Fourth of July the newsies didn't have to sell any papers, it was one of the few times they got a day off. And since it was their day off and the Fourth of July, the Lower Manhattan newsies were heading over to Brooklyn to celebrate. Though the morning to get there had been rather crazy. Half of the boys had been excited to go, the other half not so much. A few of the older newsies had tried to scare Mush and Feister about how big and bad the Brooklyn boys were. And while the pair didn't seem phased in the slightest, they were pretty scared on the inside. While Wolf was busy trying to get Finch out of the bathroom, Jumps had told the boys to knock it off, then told Mush and Feister there was nothing to worry about.

On another note, Feister had obviously proven that she can sell the papers just as good as any of the boys, so she was allowed to stay as the first girl newsie of Lower Manhattan. Not only did she get to stay with the newsies, but she also found a best friend during her short time there. With Mush also being a new kid they both learned how to sell together, and quickly formed a bond that no one saw coming. Though it was shocking that two kids who were ready to soak each other became close friends. Between the two of them, Feister was the trouble maker, and Mush was who either kept her calm, or was the one responsible for setting off the firecracker. But, what the boys found stranger was while Mush is the one who gets Feister mad half the time, he's also the one to calm her down. While it was a little weird, it was also really cute watching them together.

When the finally got to Brooklyn all the boys head to the docks with Jumps, while Wolf told Mush and Feister to stay with him for a little bit. The two little newsies didn't question it and went about the talking. Or rather Feister talked. "You'se been pretty quiet, what gives?" little Feister asked Mush as she tried to keep up with him. She found it quit odd that her best friend had been silent all day long. All Feister heard come out of Mush's mouth was, "Mornin'," before he scurried off to get ready for the day. 

"Maybe I's don't wanna be here," Mush mumbled in response as he stuffed his hands into his pockets and quickened his pace to avoid the little news girl and her game of a million questions. But, Mush had his reasons.

"Scaredy cat," Feister teased as she ran up to Mush with a smirk on her face. "Yer just a big lump of a scared little baby kitten that don't know how ta 'meow' yet," the young girl stated in a serious tone while crossing her arms.

"Real mature Feisty," Mush said in a unamused tone. He had to hold back from laughing at her statement about him being scared. It was cute how this little girl was trying to act so tough. However, Mush knew that would all change once Feister stepped into Brooklyn and see just how scary it can be. Especially some of the newsies there. If Mush had to guess, the Brooklyn boys would have Feister shaking in her boots once she got a good look. Well, his day just got a lot more interesting.

"I's six!" Feister protested. "Whaddya expect me ta say?! But I's do have a point bout you'se bein' scared." Mush just shook his head and continued walking.

"Yer right Wolf, they's are handful," the two little newsies were startled by the sound and quickly turned to see where it was coming from. They were met with a giant boy with green eyes and blonde hair. He was wearing a bright worn out red shirt that had no sleeves, and tan trousers. Dirt smudges, and some scratches covered his tanned arms, and to top it all off, a newsie cap sat on top of his messy blonde locks. "How much trouble do they get in?"

"Too much for their own good," Wolf replied with a slight groan. The moment Wolf finished talking, Mush pointed to Feister as if to say, "it's mostly her" to which Feister proceeded to punch Mush in the gut to shut him up. "Mush, Feister, this is Blaze, leader of the Brooklyn boys. An' this is second in command Rocky, " Wolf said. Mush and Feister glanced at each other before looking at the very tall boys with wide eyes, and confused faces.

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