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"Then I'll huff, an' I'll puff, an' I'll blow yer house down," Feister slowly read out of the story book for children. She was sitting next to Specs who was observing her lessons for the day since Kloppman was busy with paperwork. But it was alright, she didn't mind spending some quiet time with Specs. He seemed to be one of the calmer, less nosey boy of the bunch. "So he huffed, an' he puffed, an' he blew the house down." She paused for a moment to take a good long look at the pictures that were printed on the book and asked, "Specs. Ya think Wolfy could blow down the Lodge if he wanted too?"

The older boy chuckled at the news girl's question. "I's think we's safe Feisty. Sides, ya haven't got ta the endin' yet."

"But I's know the endin'. The wolf tries ta blow down the stick house but can't. The two pigs run into the brick house an' they'se all safe an' the wolf is dumb enough ta try ta get in through the chimney," the small girl stated as she closed the book and tossed it to the end of the bed. "Why do I's hafta learn ta read anyways? It ain't like I's gonna need it." Feister huffed as she fell back on the bed, feeling like the whole schooling thing was pointless. What was the use in learning all this stuff if she's just some street kid with nothing to her name but the clothes on her back?

"Yer gonna need it ta help ya sell papes," Specs replied as he grabbed the book and opened it up again. "C'mon, yer almost done." he encouraged her.

A moment or so went by before Feister reluctantly sat back up and took the book back into her hands. Though she struggled with some of the bigger words, for the most part she was doing better than when she first started out. And if Feister was being completely honest this was a bit better than writing. She still didn't like reading of course, but anything seemed better than having a sore wrist for a few days. It wasn't long until the book was finished and she was freed from lessons for the day. Though there wasn't much else for her to do since Mush was snoring away the rest of the day. She could go wake him up...but decided that wasn't going to be much fun. Maybe another time.

"So...how did you'se wind up here...?" Feister asked as she settled herself in front of the older boy and pulled her knees close to her chest.

"Came from an orphanage a couple years back. It got over crowded an' they was gonna send a bunch of the older kids on the train. I's snuck out one night fore they's could send me away. Jumps found me an' said I's could start over as a newsie if I's wanted ta." the older boy explained without much thought. He never minded telling his backstory like some of the other boys did. He actually came from a good family, but they got kicked out of their home when they couldn't pay rent. So his parents thought it was best to put him in an orphanage for the meantime while they found work and saved up enough to get a new home. But he realized something must've happened once the years started to slowly go by. Specs knew his folks wouldn't abandoned him, he figured that getting things back together was taking longer than expected.

"You'se know my dad wasn't very nice," Feister shrugged. There was more to tell of course, for it all swirled around her mind. And though she has opened up more she still keeps her distance from everyone. She wasn't letting herself get hurt again. There were a few times where she thought that maybe it wouldn't be terrible to open up, then she remembered what happened in the past. The people she cared about the most left her one at a time...she wouldn't be surprised if history was going to repeat itself. It was alright though, she was used to looking out for herself.

"It's alright Feisty, ya don't have ta tell me anythin' till yer ready," Specs smiled.

The younger girl nodded as she shifted in her seat. She looked around the bunk room for a few moments before turning back to Specs and asked, "What's yer favorite book?"

"I's don't really have a favorite," he replied to her question. It was probably something he got asked the most seeing as he was the local bookworm among the newsies. All brains and not much brawn like some of the boys. But Specs had always been more of a lover than a fighter type anyways. He's the peacemaker when things get out of hand every now and again. "Guess I's like a bit of everythin'."

"Do ya ever get tired of wearin' 'em glasses?" was the news girl's next question.

"Not really. They's can be annoyin' sometimes, but I's used ta 'em by now. Kind of like how you'se hafta tuck yer braids in. it felt odd at first, but after a while you'se don't notice it."

"It still gets hot an' it's hard ta tuck 'em back in."

"Then we's could always do the ole snippety, snip," he suggested while doing the hand motion for scissors.

"Nuh-uh," Feister replied with a disgusted face. "It's already bad enough I's gotta dress an' smell like a boy! I's don't wanna have the bad hair too!" she shuddered at the thought, and had no plans whatsoever to let anyone cut her hair that short. Not in a million years would she want a haircut like that. It was never going to happen.

"Alright, point taken Feisty. No need ta get yer braids in a twist," Specs chuckled with a little shake of the head.

There was no doubt that this girl was going to be a handful. She's already proven that since day one. But it was also good that she would stand up for herself. Usually a kid her size would be terrified of doing something like that. It was a trait that Specs admired on the young girl. He just had to watch out for those right hooks. He heard something about Race taking her out to the alley for a lesson in the arts of self-defense. Although in Feister's case she could use it to show her annoyance, or when she's simply not in the mood. Granted Specs hasn't been a victim. But he knows someone who is on a daily basis.

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Author's note

I don't have much to say about this chapter for different reasons, but in my defense, Specs is another hard character for me to write for. But I did it anyways, and sometimes short and sweet is the way to go, right? On the bright side the next few chapters return back to the good ole Mush and Feister dynamic, so that's good. And I've got a one shot that should come out sooner than later. In the meantime I hope you enjoyed this one. Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon.

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