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"So, what's the weather today Crutch?"

A phrase Feister often heard the newsies ask the him but never really understood the meaning behind that. Every time, the exact same thing would always happen. With a little shake of his bad leg, Crutchie would come up with a prediction for what the day held in store, and, more often than not, whatever he said came true. Today was one of those days.

As she was settling into bed, she overheard Crutchie saying how his leg was aching more than usual, indicating that they were in for quite the storm. Though, in her mind it didn't matter that much, storm or no storm they'd still have to sell the next day. So, Feister put it aside and snuggled deep into the bed to stay warm during the cool night. But, come morning you couldn't even tell what time of day it was because of how dark the city had become with the rain pouring down harder than ever. In other words, it was a true April shower. Complete with a flash of lighting and or a of clap thunder. The bright flashes of light didn't bother Feister much, it was the thunder she couldn't stand. No one really knew this about her, besides Mush of course, and even then she barely admitted her fear for the loud sound.

The two leaders were debating on what was going to happen that day. Yes, they could decide to go out into the storm and sell like a bunch of lunatics, or simply stay inside until it lightened up. Or at least until there wasn't anymore lighting and rolling thunder. Meanwhile, the boys were all clambered around Crutchie asking for the forecast of the day. The young boy simply smiled as he gave his bag leg a little shake. He paused for a moment or so before saying, "Should clear up some by this evenin'."

"Half a day off is better than nothin'!" Albert hollered happily as he high fived Race.

"Looks like we's waitin' it out then," Wolf shrugged.

Which didn't sound so bad, with a bunch of boys and one girl....let's just say they would all start to get restless soon and start to find new, interesting ways to stay entertained. Most of the boys were either playing some card game, or lounging about doing absolutely nothing. But, could've been a lot worse though. Like trekking through the storm like a bunch of lunatics when all of New York is safe and sound inside their homes keeping warm. But, the newsies all know the saying start out sweating, end up sneezing, and in between it pours, but it's still a fine life.

But if you were to ask Feister her option on the little saying she'd say it makes sense, but the "fine life" part doesn't. What's so great about bracing through the weather when there's papers to sell. This is why she liked the in between seasons where it's always nice with little complications. Speaking of which. Getting curious how Crutchie was able to predict the weather, Feister walked up to him and asked flat out how he knew about the storm, or how his leg was able to tell him. There was no hesitation in the question, no beating around the bush. She just asked. For, the little news girl was gaining more confidence by the day and her filter was now becoming non existent. Or, more so than usual.

Lucky for her, Crutchie simply smiled, - the one that spread as easily as butter - and said, "My leg will start ta ache when a storm's approachin'. Though sometimes it ain't spot on. Just got lucky today, I's guest." he shrugged.

Feister's head tilted to the side a bit, trying to understand how a simple leg ache can tell Crutchie what the weather will be. This brought her to her next question. "Is yer leg just numb or somethin'?" she couldn't remember the actual word for it, but she had some idea of what it could be. It definitely wasn't broken, that's for sure. Though that's what she thought for a little bit when she first came to the newsies. But as time went by she noticed how Crutchie's leg never seemed to heal like a bone normally would. Then she thought she was getting her facts mixed up, but after awhile she heard something about his...condition, and let the broken bone theory go after that day.

"I's got polio a while back fore comin' here," Crutchie replied. He didn't mind talking about his condition since every new kid seemed to ask him the same question. Though, Feister did take a lot longer than a newbie normally would. Either way, he liked getting a chance to talk to the news girl when he could.

"An' now it tells ya the weather?" she didn't mean for it to come out as a question, but the whole situation was a bit odd in her mind. "That don't make much sense, but alright." she shrugged.

"Pretty much," he replied.

"Is it gonna rain more tomorrow or will it stop?"

"It don't work like that Feisty."

After that, Feister didn't ask any more questions regarding Crutchie and his weather predicting leg. Mostly because it hurt her head to think how it all worked, and the fact she has a rather short attention span didn't help either. In a case like this, there really wasn't much to do besides sit around and talk about who knows what. It was either that or find some means of entertainment. Annoying Mush seemed like the next best thing to do, but him and Blink were in the middle of arm wrestling to see who was stronger. Which to her neither of them are, and probably won't ever be.

"Think we's gonna hafta sell papes tomorrow?" Feister asked as she sat down on the bed across from Crutchie. Talking with him seemed like the better option at this point. Plush she didn't want to be a judge foe the dumb arm wrestle.

"Probably. Though anudda day off wouldn't be so bad, right?" he asked with bright eyes. "Think bout it, we's could splash around in the puddles all day if we's wanted ta."

"But then we's gonna come back all cold an' wet from the rain. It'll take forever ta warm back up again," she replied, shuddering at the thought soaked from splashing around in the rain and taking forever to finally warm up again. Instead she'd rather sit by the window and watch the droplets fall from the dark clouds. Without thunder of course. And, as if on que there was a loud boom that made a rolling sound in the sky. Making the little news girl suddenly jump on and latch to whatever was within arm reach. It was just a random pillow, but the way she had grabbed it made it hard for Crutchie not to laugh.

"Are ya-" one of the boys began to ask.

"If ya ask if I's afraid of thunder you'se got anudda thing comin'!" Feister snapped with a glare in her eye.

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

Author's note

Truthfully it's not the strongest chapter, but I also know Crutchie is a favorite among the fandom, so I decided to give it a whirl for the heck of it. For some odd reason I cannot do main characters (Race technically doesn't count since he's a background newsie) moving on. Another brotherly chapter is done. I've always found it interesting how the newsies would ask Crutchie for a weather forecast, and I've read that some peoples' joins can sense a storming coming, so that's cool. The science behind it is a little confusing though. Heads up for the next few chapters are some great ones, and personal favorites of mine. Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading and I'll see you soon!

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