The Talk

105 4 13

Late May 1896

It was late at night as the Manhattan leader sat up on the rooftop of the Lodge. Drinking in the night sky and the city air. Down below he could see drunks and other no goods walkabout the streets. A warm spring breeze blew in the night air as he sighed deeply. The sound of someone climbing up the metal ladder to the roof made a sound before a voice said, "Finally got Tommy ta sleep."

"The stress finally gettin' ta ya Jumps?" Wolf asked with a smug smile.

"Not by a long shot Wolfy," Jumps replied with a small laugh as he rested his arms on the railing and took in the night air with a deep sigh. "I's worried bout Feisty though," Jumps admitted quietly. "Mush said that anudda guy was lookin' at 'er funny."

"I know," Wolf replied with a small sigh. "Seems like it's happenin' more an' more now." Wolf slammed his hands on the railing out of anger. He knew this was going to happen, but he didn't think it would be this soon. "That goil just turned twelve last week," he grunted through his teeth. "She's already been through hell with 'er father hurtin' 'er an' all. Feister she - she's practically a baby still. I's know she can take care of herself but, there's gonna be lots of people who want ta hurt 'er."

"Wolf, we's both knew from the moment ya said she could stay that...this was gonna happen," Jumps replied in a calming tone. "Feisty's a grownin' goil, that's just life. An' there's nothin' we's can do ta stop it. Fore ya know it, she's gonna be crushin' on boys, she's gonna be moody one day an' fine the next."

"She already is moody one day an' fine the next," Wolf replied with a small laugh. "I's think we's hafta worry bout tellin' the boys bout...ya know...."

Jumps just shrugged as he said, "They's at that age...Or, most of 'em at least." but truth be told he was dreading the day he'd have to give "the talk". "

"We's also hafta tell Feisty bout..." Wolf trailed off before stuttering a bit. If telling the boys about it was going to be hard, then telling Feister would be even harder. As leader of Lower Manhattan it was Wolf's job to make sure the boys had at least some knowledge about things for the future. And giving the talk was one of them. He got it from Knockout when he and Jumps were their age, and now it was time to pass it on, while hoping someone doesn't get sick. "Dunno how we's gonna be able ta do that."

"We's can always ask Medda," Jumps replied in a matter of fact tone.

"She's outta town visiting 'er cousin in Queens an' won't be back till next week," Wolf reminded.

"What'd bout Sam?" Jumps asked. "You'se could always ask 'er ta talk with Feisty."

"That should go down well," Wolf replied in a sarcastic tone. "Do ya think they's gonna start actin' differently round Feisty?" he asked in concern. "Or do ya think Feisty will be the one ta act different?"

"Dunno," Jumps shrugged. "Only time will tell, I's guess."

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Samantha asked as she sat down next to Wolf on a park bench. Her long dark brown hair was styled in a half up due, with a blue ribbon tied in the back. Her soft blue eyes always gave off a warm feeling, skin was fair, but had a light tan from being in the sun all the time. Her smile was gentle. She was wearing a white shirt and a navy blue skirt, which brought out her eyes even more. "There isn't any trouble, is there?" she quickly added. "Because if there is you don't need to worry about me, I can take care of myself. You just focus on the newsies and whatever is happening this time."

"It's nothin' like that Sammy," Wolf replied before Samantha could go on any further. "And even if there was somethin' goin' on, you know I's would worry bout ya no matter what. Yer my goil an' no one can change that." he wrapped his arm around her as reassurance.

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