Peeks into the Past

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The sound of snoring newsboys filled the hot night air as a light summer's breeze blew through the open window. Creeks of the beds or the occasional sleep talking was heard every now and again as a little news girl swiftly jumped out of her bunk, gracefully landing on the floor without waking up her bunkmate. Though that wasn't such a hard task to do considering the older boy was a heavy sleeper. She walked over to the far side of the room and, using a chair to help her out of the window, Claire -  Feister -  made her way onto the fire escape and sat down looking up at the night sky. It had only been a few days since she became a newsie, and so far things have been good...though everything  happened so fast that her mind could barely process it. Well, that and the fact she had a hard time sleeping. So she figured that some fresh air would be a good idea. Though, it wasn't long before someone had joined her out on the fire escape.

"What'er you'se doin' up?" he asked as he sat down next to her.

"What'd bout you?" she asked with a tilted head.

"Hey, I's asked first."

"Couldn't sleep," Feister replied with a shrug.

"Nightmare?" Mush asked with a little concern.

"No," the little news girl scoffed. Ok, that was a lie. She did have a nightmare, but Mush didn't need to know that. It wasn't any of his business anyways. Besides, if she were to let him in on how she was feeling; she'd get attached and then when she needs him most, he'll leave her. That's what happened with Will. There were some days she would be reminded of her long lost brother in the newsies. Jack's protectiveness. Race's bright blue eyes. Finch's tall lanky build. The list goes on, but it was too much for her mind to take in all at once. Feister told herself that if she let these boys in, especially Mush, then at some point, they'd leave her. Well, not exactly in those words, it was more of a feeling than anything else.

"Ya do know you'se can tawk ta me, right?"

"Well, maybe I's don't wanna tawk! Ever think bout that Mush for brains?" Feister snapped as she turned her back to Mush and pulled her knees closer to her chest.

Without a doubt, this was the most stubborn girl Mush has ever met. Well, she's the only stubborn girl he's ever met. Scratch that, she's the only the third in his life. His mother and sister take the other two spots. But no one needed to know that. This was his chance to start a new life. At least, that's what the newsies always said. "I'll tell ya how I's got here if you'se tell me yer story," he offered as he faced her back.

"Are ya gonna leave me alone till I's tell ya?," Feister asked as she leaned her head on the brick wall.


Feister heavily sighed as she turned back around to face Mush. She bit her lip as her eyes glanced down.  "My fudda left me behind an' now I's here," she simply explained. "Happy?"

"Ran away from home," Mush shrugged. "Sorry ta hear that," he added shortly. "At least you'se got me now. I ain't leavin' ya for nothin' Feisty."

Could she really believe that? Wouldn't he just leave her when she'd need him most. It happened with her family. What's to say history won't repeat itself? Instead of answering him, Feister turned her head to the night sky. She could see the moon, and maybe a few stars as well. "Faire un souhait ange," Feister mumbled ever so quietly as she closed her eyes and tried to remember her mother's soft voice speaking those very words.

"What was that?" Mush asked.

"Nothin'. Just...thinkin'..." Feister hummed in reply. "Ya know, my mudda always said that stars are angels that watch over us, an' if yer lucky they'll grant ya a wish..." she quietly added.

"That's nice," Mush replied as he turned his eyes to the night sky. "My Mum used ta sing me this lullaby before bed. I's do it for ya now,, but..."

"Ya got the voice of a dyin' cat," Feister cut off with a smirk.

"Well when ya put it like that," Mush scoffed. They both laughed a bit before turning back to the night sky as the sounds of the city that never sleep filled the warm air.

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

Author's note old habits die hard apparently. I have a good feeling once I start to run out of early day drafts updates are going to be more spaced out, but it's not at that point yet...I think. I know this is super short, but I felt like this was a note to end up instead of adding more. (Night) talks on the fire escape kind of became Mush and Feister's thing, not only did I want to bring that element back into perspective but I realized two things when wracking ideas for this book is that 1: just like the entire premise of this story, everything has a beginning/has to start somewhere, somehow. 2: There needed to be a vulnerable moment (per say) early on to get that bond they have in the future. There's a little ways to go before Feister fully trusts the newsies, but it's slowly getting there. And we all know how much I love a good slow burn. Now that I think about it this chapter kind of gives me Past Comes Back vibes, which wasn't the original intention, but I love it when unexpected things happen. Plus that's my favorite story, (well that and Strike. But that's beside the point). Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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