
152 7 9

December 1890

He watched her from across the room debating if it was worth risking his life just to ask a simple question or not. Though it's only been about six months or so since he first met her, that didn't mean he wasn't learning a thing or two about this girl. She was so defensive and cut off from everyone else. Granted she has gotten better since her arrival on that faithful summer's night, but that didn't mean she let her guard down. In fact, she seemed.....off somehow. Maybe it was the snowstorm that was getting to her. It was a challenge to sell that day in the harsh winter winds since everyone with half a brain would be inside warm as can be.

Finally deciding that he could always make a quick exit if things got ugly Mush got up from where he was seated and went over to where Feister was. He plopped down next to her and gently poked her arm. "Hello. Anyone home?" he asked as he continued to poke and nudge her in a playful manner. "Feiiissssttttyyyyyyyyyy. Hhhheeelllllloooohhhh."

"Would ya shut up already!" the small girl snapped as she slapped his hand away.

"No need ta get snappy. Just tryin' ta be a good friend seein' if yer ok an' stuff!"

"We's friends? Since when?" Feister huffed a bit. She didn't really see Mush, or any of the newsies much as friends. Sure, she's had good times with them and they've made her laugh, but she wasn't going to let herself get close to any of them. You let people in, you get hurt. That always seemed to happen to her no matter what. So the odds were that it was going to happen again.

"Ya don't think we's friends?" Mush quietly asked.

"Don't act so surprised. Just cause we's together all the time don't mean anythin' ya know. I's the one who's stuck with a bunch of dumb boys! Do ya have any idea how loud ya snore in the middle of the night?! It's like a train engine ta the ear!" she exclaimed before getting up and made her way to the storage closet and slammed the door shut as hard as she could. Now in the safety of the only private place in the entire Lodging House, Feister sat down and leaned her back up against the wall as she pulled her knees closer to her chest. She wasn't going to get attached to these boys. She wouldn't let herself go through the heart ache it left. Not again. But...the boys have shown how much they care for no. Feister wasn't going to let anyone in for nothing. They would leave her like everyone else had. Then she would have no one. It was better like that anyways.

"Tell me right now what's got yer braids in a twist"

"Ya don't give up do ya Mush for brains!" she stood up and glared him right in the eyes without missing a beat. Why couldn't this boy leave her alone already?! It was already bad enough she had to spend practically every waking hour with him right next to her. Now the second she gets a moment to breathe he has to be there too.

"Somethin' is buggin' ya and I's wanna know!" Mush wasn't about to back down this time. If he wanted to get any answers from this defensive little girl, he was going to have to take this head on. It didn't matter if his life was on the line. This girl couldn't see over the window to get her papers for crying out loud! What harm could she do anyways?

"Why do ya care so much?" Feister exclaimed.

"Because when somethin' is buggin' my friend I's gonna help 'em out!" Mush yelled back with twice the volume.

The little news girl paused for a moment. The glare quickly softened to a look that resembled a helpless puppy dog. "My mudda died last year...today...alright? Are ya happy now Mush for brains!" she yelled out, suddenly getting the glare back into her eyes.

Instead of saying anything Mush went in and wrapped his arms around Feister without giving it a second thought. He didn't know what exactly came over him, all he knew was that it felt right to do so. Maybe it was the protective brother instinct he had developed from before he ran away...perhaps that's why he felt the need to make sure she was alright at every second of the day. But, he also knew that this was completely different from comforting his twin. Feister is...not the easiest girl to talk too in the world, so he had to go that extra step to break through her walls. He found it a bit strange how she would barely have a normal conversation without snapping back at whatever was said to her that time. And even in her most vulnerable moments, she'd still get defensive and push everyone away. Though, Mush didn't completely blame the news girl. He didn't reveal anything about his past besides the fact he ran away. No one, not even Kid Blink, knew of his background. But he supposed that it was common for a newsie to keep the scars of the past hidden away for the sake of starting anew.

In the midst of all this, Feister wasn't sure what to do. She didn't like the fact he was hugging her, but she didn't completely hate it either. It was hard to say what kind of feeling the hug was giving her. Did this count as letting someone in? Or was this just a...friendly gesture given by the boy who didn't know when to quit for his own good. Maybe a bit of both? Though it was hard to say for sure.

However, there was one thing that tipped the scales of the moment. There was, without a doubt a height difference between them. Which meant Feister clearly heard his beating heart. Just the sound of it suddenly brought her back to the time spent snuggled up with her mother. Falling asleep to the sound of her voice while she worked on a beautiful dress for the shop. Or perhaps a colorful quilt that would keep away the cold of the wintery night. A sense of comfort warmed her from the inside out as she ever so gently wrapped her little arms around him and pulled herself closer. But it only lasted a few seconds before Wolf came and knocked on the open door as he said it was time for bed. Just as that was happening Feister jumped up and pulled herself away from the warm hug. She didn't say anything as she made her exit out of the closet and straight to her bed.

"She actually hugged me," Mush said in a stunned voice. That had to be a good sign, right? Feister didn't kick and or punch him! She actually wrapped her arms around him for a hug! "Did ya see that?! Feisty does have a heart!"

Wolf only chuckled with a shake of the head as Mush walked up to him with a bright smile on his face. "Yeah kid. Feisty's finally startin' ta warm up. But don't make a big deal bout it in front of 'er, alright? Every step forward is two steps back if not handled carefully." he ruffled the young boy's head and began leading him back to the bunkroom.

"What's that supposed ta mean?" Mush asked.

"If ya want 'er ta open up, do it slowly or she never will." Once they had arrived at Mush's bunk Wolf gave him a boost and helped get him comfortable. "Warm enough?" he asked while tucking the covers under the mattress so the warmth would stay inside.

"Yup! Night Wolf," Mush replied with a smile.

"Night kid, sweet dreams." Wolf smiled before checking the bottom bunk - which Jojo occupied - who... was apparently already snoring up a storm. He then turned to the bunk next door to see Wisp was fluffing up his pillow like he did every night. Then moved to the upper bunk where he saw Feister had her back turned to him. The Manhattan leader sighed a bit as he pulled the covers up and tucked them under the mattress. "Don't let the cold winds bite." he gently rubbed her shoulders.

"Ok," the little news girl whispered back without making a move.

Seeing as nothing else could be said or done Wolf went ahead and made his final rounds in the bunkroom. Race and Albert had decided to have a pillow fight instead of settling in. but with those two, it wasn't anything out of ordinary. He said if they didn't stop it they would be sleeping with no pillows that night. Thankfully it worked and the two boys settled into bed without another peep.

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

Author's note

And there's the sweet wholesome fluff with these two we all know and love. Though I'm not sure if I get a bigger kick when they're this age, or when they're a couple. Not counting the obliviously in love days. However, I will admit I had WAY too much fun during that time...moving on. Consider this the part where Mush starts developing that protective streak for Feister. No more "old habit from Brooklyn", purely for Feister and what she needs. It's blatantly obvious she really needs extra closure that there is someone who won't leave her, but will never admit it out loud...I noticing more and more that there are some chapters are foreshowing different stories (some more than others), and this one happens to be I'm Fine in some a sense (if you know, you know). Besides that, little Mush being all happy Feister actually hugged him was cute ok? Just seemed very Mush like to get excited about Feister's actually not cold hearted. I hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading and I'll see you next time!

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