Litttle Lisp

125 6 22

May 1892

It was another lazy day at the Lodging House for the Newsies of Lower Manhattan. Jack was drawing who knows what. Race had started a poker game, to which he claimed Albert was cheating. And Romeo was gushing about some pretty girl that bought a pape from him. Nothing out of the ordinary per-say. But things were calm among the bunch of boys. Which was odd considering there was never a quiet moment. Ever. There was always something chaotic happening. But the peacefulness wasn't something to complain about. It was a rare moment for the Lodging House.

Feister was currently sitting by the window looking out into the streets of New York. A fresh spring breeze blew through the window, pushing her two little braided bundles back. She looked over to where the poker game was happening just a few feet away. Race had invited her to play, but she declined. Feister wasn't the best poker player in the world. Hard as she tried she could never understand the different cards - hands - whatever it was called. No matter how many times Race would teach her.

"Hey Feisty look what I's can do!"

Feister turned her head to where the voice was coming from. And sure enough Mush was now standing in front of her with a wide grin. "Is it wigglin' yer front teeth again?" she asked in the most unamused voice. "I's seen that a million times Mushy! Go learn how ta do somethin' else!" the little girl exclaimed.

"But it's fun! An' I's think they're gonna come out soon! See! I's can wiggle 'em real far!" Mush replied happily as he smiled widely and started to wiggle his two front teeth.

Feister sighed heavily. Wondering how in the world Mush can find this so entertaining. Yes, she's lost teeth too. But that didn't mean she liked wiggling them in front of other people all the time. It wasn't that big of a deal. Your teeth start to loosen, a couple of weeks later they fall out, then you're stuck with a little gap, and a tooth that you don't know what to do with. In fact, she found it kind of pointless. What was wrong with her so called "baby teeth"? Apparently her "grown up" teeth would be stronger. Or something like that. She's eaten Kloppman's chewy mystery meat. And that stuff is tough as tar. At least that's what Albert says. "Aren't ya afraid yer gonna swallow 'em suckers an' choke ta death?" Feister asked with a slightly raised brow.

"I's ain't gonna choke ta death Feisty," Mush scoffed with an eye roll. Why did this girl always look on the bad side of things? He liked the idea of losing and getting new teeth. Maybe she didn't like the taste of blood. But it wasn't like it lasted long anyways. Maybe it was the little numb gap. While it does feel weird, Mush liked the feeling. It was funny to stick his tongue in the gap and push food through it.

"Sides, they're gonna come out any day now! I's can feel-" before Mush could finish one of his top teeth fell right out of his mouth and onto the ground.

"I's ain't pickin' that up," Feister pointed out as she looked at the tooth. When she looked back up she saw Mush was feeling the spot where his tooth once was. "Why are we friends again?" she asked.

"Cause, you'se love-" once again, Mush's sentence was cut short when the other tooth fell out. He quickly picked up the little teeth before smiling widely at Feister, who started to laugh at his topless toothy smile. "Laugh all ya want Fei-st-ty, buth - Hey! Whath's wrong withs my voice. Why do I's thound like that." this only caused Feister to laugh even more. "Sthop laughin'! It ain't funny!" Mush pouted.

"Alright, what did ya do this time Mushy?" Wolf asked as he walked up to the two little newsies. He knew all too well that if something was going on with Mush and Feister, it's better to step in before they end up brawling it out.

"My teeth fell out an' now I's can't sthop tawkin' like thisss," Mush exclaimed as he showed Wolf his fallen teeth.

Wolf wasn't sure what to say. On one hand, Mush's teeth finally came out. A milestone in a child's life. But on the other hand it left the young boy with a temporary speech impairment, and it didn't help that Feister was getting a complete ball out of it. But then again, Feister gets a ball out of anything that happens to the boys. "Hey! That's great Mushy!" Wolf happily said. "Let's put these bad boys in a little sack an' you'se can keep 'em with yer other things, huh?"

"But when will I sthop tawkin' like this?" Mush asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Hopefully forever!" Feister laughed as she fell onto the floor. What made it even funnier was Mush's thick New York accent. Though it harder to understand him, she didn't mind if it meant he sounded stupid.

"When yer new teeth grow in," Wolf simply replied.

"How long until zath happens?" Mush asked. Completely ignoring the girl that was currently laughing on the floor like the lunatic she is.

"I's dunno." Wolf shrugged. "Don't worry bout it too much kid, alright? It'll grow back fore ya know it." Wolf lightly punched Mush in the shoulder before walking away.

Mush just sighed heavily. This was going to be one long painful wait. And it didn't help that his little misfortune entertained Feister so easily. He thought she was better than - oh who was he kidding. Feister found anything that made him look stupid entertaining. "Sthop laughin' Feisthy! It ain't funny," he pouted.

Feister stood back up on her feet. She let a sweet little smile form across her lips as she looked Mush right in the eyes as she said, "Aww ya love me Mushy, ya know ya do. Ya just don't wanna admit it," Feister teased with a little smirk.

"Sshut up," Mush grumbled with a little eye roll.

Feister only giggled before she took a step closer to Mush. She put one hand on his shoulder to brace herself as she went up on her toes and kissed his cheek. She pulled away and couldn't help but giggle again at Mush's redden face. "Now where's the fun in that?" she teased with a smirk before walking away.

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

Author's note

A little known fact in the fandom is that on the back of Mush's trading card it says when he came to the Lodging House he was missing his two front teeth which made him speak with a lisp, (it was also supposed to be in 92sies. Well that and him being crossed eyed, but they cut that out). So, me being me, I decided to make a mini one shot out of it. Say what you will but I think it's kind of cute how Mush is all excited about losing teeth and Feister is just out here acting like an edgy teen, (even though she's like 8.) But she kind of has to slap some common sense into Mush for various reasons no one understands. Welp, that just about covers it. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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